Congress is currently considering two pro-life bills -- one addressing taxpayer-funded abortions for illegal immigrants, the other dealing with late-term abortions in Washington, DC.
An amendment has been attached to a bill in Congress that would eliminate taxpayer-funded abortions for illegal immigrants detained by customs officials. The language, authored by Reps. Robert Aderholt (R-Alabama) and Bill Huizenga (R-Michigan), is attached to a funding bill for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America (CWA) points out that it was revealed a few weeks ago that U.S. tax dollars were being used to finance college education for illegal immigrants. Now, it is learned that ICE is providing pregnancy services, including abortions, for illegals.
"This is just outrageous, and it just seems that there is no end to the kind of things this administration is willing to do with taxpayer money to implement their agenda, which includes abortion for anybody and everybody who wants one," Crouse laments.
But the Appropriations Committee's amendment would ensure that taxpayer dollars will not be used to fund abortion, except in cases of rape, incest, or if the mother's health is in danger.
"You start reading the fine print [of the administration's report], and you discover that it covers everything from the time the woman wants to get pregnant until the time that her child is able to walk," the CWA spokeswoman explains. "It provides prenatal care straight through to care of the baby after it's born, or the abortion, if the woman decides to have an abortion."
Plus, ICE will provide transportation to an abortion clinic and back, all on the taxpayers' dime. But the new amendment, if passed, would prevent that.
Congress is also considering a measure that would ban abortions after 20 weeks in Washington, D.C. Most scientists agree that a preborn baby can feel pain at 20 weeks gestation. (Listen to audio report)
The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HR 3803) is sponsored by Congressman Trent Franks (R-Arizona). Former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave is now vice president of government affairs for the Susan B. Anthony List. Her group is pushing for the measure's passage.
"The gruesome procedure by which their life is ended is just unconscionable," she asserts. "And so this is legislation in the House of Representatives that has 193 co-sponsors. It has momentum and really acknowledges the humanness of that precious unborn child."
Musgrave points out that several states, including Nebraska, Kansas, Idaho, Alabama, Oklahoma and Arizona, have already approved measures similar to HR 3803.
"The presumed nominee, Mitt Romney, running against the most pro-abortion president ever has pledged to advance this legislation at the national level," the pro-lifer notes. "So, [it's] a very important time right now for pro-life people around this country to let their members of Congress know that they're very supportive of a 20 weeks ban for the District of Columbia."
Currently, abortion is legal in D.C. through the ninth month of pregnancy. At a hearing in the U.S. House earlier this month, members of Congress were informed that one abortion facility in the city openly advertises abortion at seven months into pregnancy. Three doctors pointed out that only about five nations in the world have such an extreme legal policy.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow