February 17, 2012
News Links for February 17th
Personhood Mississippi Applauds Oklahoma Senate Personhood Vote; Vows to Press on with Improved Personhood Measure
Priests for Life official, pro-life leaders arrested at WH for protesting contraceptive mandate
Birth control mandate 'misconceptions'
Priest defends pro-life movement with secular philosophy
Wide range of religious leaders testify against contraception mandate
Attorney: Forced abortion coverage could be next
South Korean prelate: defense of unborn is leading priority
Adult stem cell institute undertakes ambitious campaign for cures
Deadly health risks for women: The unspoken side of the Obama birth control mandate
Legal Euthanasia Leads to Pro Suicide
A stand against euthanasia
“The Killing-for-Organs Pushers”
Brutal campaign against Komen should open eyes about Planned Parenthood