Julia Holcomb was forced to reveal a secret she had been keeping for 35 years after her son came across one of the unflattering -- and untrue -- statements that Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler had written about her, their relationship, and their abortion.
"I had to become Silent No More right in my own home, I had no choice," said Ms. Holcomb, whose life hit a low point in 1975, when she nearly died in an apartment fire and was then convinced to abort her baby at five months.
Now Ms. Holcomb is a spokeswoman for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign by choice.
On Monday, Jan. 23, in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building, she will publicly share the story of her abortion and how it was the catalyst that prompted her to turn her life around. She is a married mother of six sons, a devout Roman Catholic and a pro-life activist.
Ms. Holcomb will join dozens of other women and men from the campaign who will tell their stories at the annual event that immediately follows the March for Life. She was convinced to go public with her story after reading a piece written by Kevin Burke, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and co-founder of Rachel's Vineyard, about the abortion regret that Tyler – who last night began his second season as an "American Idol" judge -- has expressed in two books.
"In spite of everything, I do not hate Steven Tyler, nor am I personally bitter." Ms. Holcomb said. "I pray for his sincere conversion of heart and hope he can find God's grace, as I have."
Ms. Holcomb also will speak at a March for Life Youth Rally, to take place from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21, in the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave NW.
For a video interview with Ms. Holcomb, click here:
Contact: Georgette Forney, Andre Kim
Source: Silent No More Awareness Campaign