An appeals court judge has recognized a schizophrenic woman's Catholic convictions and decided that she shouldn't be forced comply with her parents' request to abort her child and be sterilized.
The State Department of Mental Health filed a petition in October to have "Mary Moe's" parents named as guardians so they could give consent for abortion. Norfolk Probate and Family Court Judge Christina Harms declared that the 32-year-old could not make a decision about abortion and ordered the facility that performed the abortion to sterilize the woman "to avoid this painful situation from recurring in the future."
But a Massachusetts appeals court has overturned that ruling. Mailee Smith of Americans United for Life (AUL) believes Judge Andrew Grainger got it right and that this case puts "a face on the abortion industry's dirty little secrets."
"We know that the majority of women who have abortions feel forced, feel pressured into having an abortion," Smith notes. "One study has indicated that up to 64 percent of women feel forced into abortion. We also know that there is an 81-percent increased risk of mental health issues following an abortion."
And she says it is "criminal" to force a woman to have an abortion against her will.
"It has also been established that a person cannot be sterilized against their will. So in this case, the judge [had] overstepped [her] boundary by forcing the woman not only to have an abortion, but to be sterilized against her will," the pro-lifer concludes.
Prior to becoming ill, "Mary Moe" had stated that she did not believe in abortion. Also, the Massachusetts woman did not suffer from schizophrenia until after a previous abortion.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow