As more than 150,000 people took part in the annual March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., today, the National Right to Life Committee announced its top initiatives for 2012.
Carol Tobias, president, NRLC: "We do have two main goals this year. The first one is the defeat of President Obama," said NRLC President Carol Tobias. "That's not a surprise to anyone. He's the most anti-life president we've ever had."
The second goal, however, is to see more states pass bills recognizing that preborn babies are capable of feeling pain during abortion procedures. Since 2010, six states — Nebraska, Kansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Alabama and Indiana — have passed laws acknowledging that preborn babies past 20 weeks of gestation can feel intense pain, and deserve protection.
Tobias noted that Virginia has already introduced such a bill this year, and several others are considering it. Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-AZ, introduced a pain-capable child protection bill today that would cover the District of Columbia.
"We just want to get the message out that the unborn child can feel pain," Tobias said. "It's a great educational tool to talk to the public, about whether they think an unborn child should be killed when it can feel pain during the procedure. We want pro-lifers to start talking about that, because we want to bring the child into this debate and put a human face on it.
Contact: Karla Dial
Source: CitizenLink