Over the weekend, presidential candidate Herman Cain referred to Planned Parenthood as "Planned Genocide." The National Black Prolife Coalition illuminates this horrific truth through their "Numbers Don't Lie" video series. The third installment in this series, created by The Radiance Foundation, has been released today, entitled: "We've Been Guttmacher'd." It exposes the pro-abortion distortions of the Guttmacher Institute.
"Planned Parenthood's Negro Project 2.0 Director lashed out at Cain for using 'inflammatory and divisive language.' In the real world, we call this language 'truth.' Guttmacher began as a pseudo-scientific arm of Planned Parenthood and, today, gives legs to the abortion giant's propaganda," said Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation.
The Guttmacher Institute was founded by Alan F. Guttmacher, vice president of the American Eugenics Society and the first president of Planned Parenthood (1962-1974). Its current president, Sharon Camp, was caught lying about its present relationship to Planned Parenthood claiming it was "completely unaffiliated" with PPFA since 2004-2005. IRS records show, however, that Guttmacher has received over $2.1 million from the nation's largest abortion chain since 2004.
"Black America is waking up to the truth. Sharpton, Veazey, Jesse Jackson, Veronica Byrd and other pro-abortion voices are pretending to support civil rights while standing for civil wrong," said Stephen Broden, pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship.
The National Black Prolife Coalition wants to end the epidemic levels of abortion in the black community and abolish the human injustice society-wide. There are life-affirming alternatives as seen in pregnancy care centers, maternity homes and adoption agencies which provide care to thousands of women and babies, every day, in the US.
"Cain has dared to defy the abortion establishment and speak about the atrocities they commit every day. Our communities deserve physicians who heal, not abortionists who butcher our very future," said Day Gardner of the National Black Prolife Union.
The video addresses numerous contradictions by Guttmacher. A recent national study confirms that most abortion clinics are located in disproportionately black areas. Guttmacher, itself, declared in January 2011 that "abortion services are concentrated in cities" then issued another advisory contradicting their own claim.
"I have a dream that America will soon wake up from the nightmare of abortion and all the blood, pain and death associated with the decimation of precious human life in our nation," said Dr. Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach for King for America. "We truly have been Guttmacher'd!"
Click here to view the video.
Source: The National Black Prolife Coalition