Bryan Howard, btw, is the Planned Parenthood staffer who asked President Obama this question at that infamous 2007 PP fundraiser:
Bryan Howard: Senator Obama, thank you for being here today.
Senator Obama: Thank you, Bryan.
Bryan Howard: Um, you know that rights and access and rights and ability have to go hand in hand. Um, and we know that health care reform is an important part of your agenda. Could you talk – and give us some specifics about how reproductive health care and women's health care is going to fit into and be a part of primary care for women in your health care reform plans and how PP, as asafety net provider, will continue to be a part of the health care safety net for women and families across the country.
Bryan didn't specify PP is apparently a "safety net provider" for child sex traffickers.

Accompanying some very nice model portfolio shots of Arizona Planned Parenthood CEO Bryan Howard came an Associated Press story last night, "AP Exclusive: Planned Parenthood seeks FBI probe."
What apparently has happened is sex clean-up workers in various PP abortion mills around the country have realized after kibitzing about a patient that they've been stung again by Lila Rose and, as recently as January 11-15, according to the AP.
What Lila and her team do is no different than what MSM investigative teams or Ashton Kutcher do. Lila's undercover work is totally legal. She only conducts it in states where the videotaping party does not have to notify the other party to smile for the camera. Lila has never, in all these years, been accused of illegal activity.

PP knows this but is trying to preempt Lila this time by breaking the story first, and with its own spin.
And it's very good spin. One has to read the story a couple times to understand PP didn't call the FBI on Lila but rather in a belated attempt to appear on the up-and-up.
According to the AP story, the scenario this time involved "a man purporting to be a sex trafficker" who "requested information about health services for sex workers, including some who he said were minors and in the U.S. illegally."

Accompanying some very nice model portfolio shots of Arizona Planned Parenthood CEO Bryan Howard came an Associated Press story last night, "AP Exclusive: Planned Parenthood seeks FBI probe."
What apparently has happened is sex clean-up workers in various PP abortion mills around the country have realized after kibitzing about a patient that they've been stung again by Lila Rose and, as recently as January 11-15, according to the AP.
What Lila and her team do is no different than what MSM investigative teams or Ashton Kutcher do. Lila's undercover work is totally legal. She only conducts it in states where the videotaping party does not have to notify the other party to smile for the camera. Lila has never, in all these years, been accused of illegal activity.

PP knows this but is trying to preempt Lila this time by breaking the story first, and with its own spin.
And it's very good spin. One has to read the story a couple times to understand PP didn't call the FBI on Lila but rather in a belated attempt to appear on the up-and-up.
According to the AP story, the scenario this time involved "a man purporting to be a sex trafficker" who "requested information about health services for sex workers, including some who he said were minors and in the U.S. illegally."
This sounds like the PP parallel to James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles' ACORN sting.
Imagine if workers at any of the 12 abortion mills PP claims Live Action punked indeed offered to help the trafficker get abortions, STD treatment, and/or contraceptives for his illegal, minor sex slaves.
Well, guess what, apparently they did. According to the AP Lila responded, "The story that speaks loudest will be in the evidence. I can't comment until we release the visual evidence."
Can't wait. And guess what again, I've been told a little about the "visual evidence," and it's utterly appalling, Lila's most explosive exposure yet of the filthy disgusting abortion biz that is Planned Parenthood.
In an attempt to put the toothpaste back in the tube, the AP reported that…
… Last week, Planned Parenthood… president Cecile Richards wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder summarizing the visits and requesting an FBI investigation. If the man's assertions were true, she wrote, they would indicate possible violations of federal laws dealing with interstate sex trafficking of minors.
And what if PP workers were caught on video offering to aid and abet such a man? Wouldn't they, too, be breaking federal laws?
It's too bad Lila's videos aren't part of federal investigations but only citizen journalism.
All Lila does is expose PP to the world as filthy slime that exploits girls and women in the worst ways for filthy profits.

Contact: Jill Stanek