Vermont Governor-elect Peter Shumlin (D)
Doctor assisted suicideFollowing the campaign promise of Governor-elect Peter Shumlin (D), Vermont is again a target for passage of legislation that would legalize doctor-assisted suicide.
Mary Hahn Beerworth of the Vermont Right to Life Committee recalls Shumlin's past pro-euthanasia speeches in which he expressed his belief that the government should not come between patients and their doctors. So she expects Shumlin to deliver on his pledge.
"He's been quoted a number of occasions as saying that he will, in fact, get that done, get it into law in the first part of 2011," Beerworth notes. "He has a terrible attitude toward vulnerable people and has kind of got a sneering sort of attitude toward those who are no longer 'productive,' as he calls it."
Mary Hahn Beerworth (Vermont Right to Life Committee)She thinks Vermont residents have every reason to believe the situation in the state is dire as she suspects there are enough votes in the House and Senate to pass Shumlin's legislation and have it on the governor's desk by March. But the pro-lifer assures that will not happen without a fight, even though some members are unconvinced that people will be at risk.
"They're clearly aware that people who do not want to die will die, and they seem to be immune from that kind of compassionate plea for those who are in a weak state, who are susceptible to be bullied by relatives or friends into suicide," Beerworth laments. "It falls on deaf ears for those who are intent on having this option."
The battle against assisted suicide in Vermont will begin when the legislature is gaveled into session in January.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 15, 2010