Rotary Club International
The Planned Parenthood watchdog organization Life Decisions International has urged Rotary Club of Walla Walla (RCWW) to cancel a planned event titled, "Serving Our Community With Vital Health Care -- Planned Parenthood," which is scheduled for February 10, 2011. The speaker for the event will be Anna Franks, chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho.
"We are not surprised that a Rotary Club is involved with Planned Parenthood," said Kenneth C. Garvey, director of communications for Life Decisions International. "But we continue to be appalled by the increasingly close relationship between the two pro-population-control groups."
In 2007, Life Decisions International published a report showing that Rotary International funds pro-abortion UNICEF, allows its chapters to fund abortion-committing Planned Parenthood, and works closely with the rabidly pro-abortion and pro-population-control UNFPA. Moreover Rotary's intense fascination with and promotion of population control from within its own organization through the Rotarian Fellowship for Population & Development is exposed. Titled, "Rotary's Dance With Death: Population Control Agenda And Ties To Pro-Abortion Groups Eclipse Good Works," the report specifically refutes the disingenuous statements made by Rotary officials in their absurd attempts to make people believe Rotary is not involved in such controversial and highly distressing activities.
The report concludes with these words: "It is impossible for any person with an intact conscience to turn a blind eye to Rotary's ungodly associations and population control works. One may offer up any excuse or justification he or she desires, but there is no way that anyone who truly cares about human life, born and preborn, could be associated with Rotary International. No way whatsoever."
"Rotary has been in bed with Planned Parenthood on many occasions," Garvey said. "We suggest that Rotary protect itself from further denunciation by canceling the event scheduled for February 2011."
RCWW is headed by Pedrito Maynard-Reid, who holds a doctorate in theology. Maynard-Reid once studied at Fuller Theological Seminary. The Seminary's "Purpose and Mission Beyond the Mission" states, "We aim to participate in other concerns that rightly evoke the attention of many Christians [including] the cavalier attitude toward human life which has encouraged the frightening rise in abortions."
Maynard-Reid is currently a professor of biblical studies at Walla Walla University (WWU), which is associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDAC). Its official policy on abortion makes it clear that the SDAC is not pro-life: "The Church does not serve as conscience for individuals; however, it should provide moral guidance. Abortions for reasons of birth control, gender selection, or convenience are not condoned. Women, at times however, may face exceptional circumstances that present serious moral or medical dilemmas, such as significant threats to the pregnant woman's life, serious jeopardy to her health, severe congenital defects carefully diagnosed in the fetus, and pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. The final decision whether to terminate the pregnancy or not should be made by the pregnant woman after appropriate consultation. She should be aided in her decision by accurate information, biblical principles, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, these decisions are best made within the context of healthy family relationships. Therefore, any attempts to coerce women either to remain pregnant or to terminate pregnancy should be rejected as infringements of personal freedom."
Life Decisions International urges pro-life advocates, especially those who are, for now, Rotarians, to contact RCWW and strongly urge that the event be canceled. It is advisable that all pro-life people, particularly those who intend to contact RCWW, read the aforementioned report.
Contact: Dr. Pedrito Maynard-Reid, President, Rotary Club of Walla Walla, P.O. Box 418, Walla Walla, WA 99362; Phone: (509) 529-0135.
Please send a copy to Mr. David W. Hull, President-Elect, at the same address.
Source: Life Decisions International
Publish Date: November 18, 2010