November 8, 2010

Protection against Organ Harvesting

     Organ Harvesting

An expert on life and death has come up with a way to protect people from "Presumed Consent" organ harvesting.
The card is designed to ensure that doctors respect a person's wish to live their God-ordained lifespan, rather than having their organs harvested against their will.

"I've been studying the issue of brain death for more than 30 years. Brain death is not true death; it was concocted to get beating hearts for transplantation," explains Dr. Paul Byrne, head of the Life Guardian Foundation.

He says transplanted organs are healthy and come from a living person, so presumed consent is an active practice.

"It's already legalized in more than 40 states, that it's presumed that everyone intends to be an organ donor," the doctor laments. "Everything is done to determine if their organs are suitable and to keep them suitable until they can get the organs."

Byrne believes that is euthanasia, which he argues is something people need to protect themselves from, especially 18- to 30-year-olds who are considered to have the healthiest organs. This new card is a way to gain that protection.

Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 6, 2010