November 3, 2010

It doesn’t pay to change your (pro-life) stance

     Pro-Life and Pro-Abort protesters

Here are some of the interesting the races: the allegedly 20 pro-life Democrats who threatened to vote "no" on the health care bill unless it contained sufficient pro-life protection, but who then turned around and accepted President Obama's phony pro-life executive order in exchange for their "yes" vote. There were 20 total turncoats, including 1 who retired (Stupak) and one who lost his primary (Mollahan)

 As of right now, by my bleary-eyed calculations, many of the remaining 18 Democrats had a rough night – half of them lost their seats. And while I can't prove causation, let's just say that the next time a lawmaker gives his word to protect the preborn, I'd recommend he keep his promise; then he might keep his seat.
 Here are those who paid the price:

 •Chris Carney (PA-10)
 •Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03)
 •Steve Driehaus (OH-1)
 •Brad Ellsworth (lost his bid for IN Senate)
 •Baron Hill (IN-9)
 •Paul Kanjorski (PA-11)
 •Charlie Wilson (OH-6)
 •Tom Perriello (VA-5)
 •Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL)

Ashley Horne
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: November 2, 2010