A former associate of slain late-term abortionist George Tiller will soon face the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts.
In 2007, Cheryl Sullinger of Operation Rescue filed a complaint against Ann Kristin Neuhaus and George Tiller because Neuhaus was the only one providing Tiller with second referrals. Under Kansas law, those referrals are required before an abortionist could terminate a pregnancy past 22 weeks, but the second referrer must have no legal or financial affiliation with the abortionist. So the pair faced a problem because Neuhaus shared office space and other connections with Tiller.
Neuhaus is now accused of failure to perform adequate patient interviews and failure to obtain adequate patient history, among other things. She has hired an attorney and plans to fight the allegations.
"We're very, very confident that Neuhaus will be disciplined and could even have her license revoked because the law is very, very clear that an unaffiliated physician cannot provide a referral for a late-term abortion here in Kansas," Sullinger notes.
She says there was certainly a direct connection between the two. But the pro-lifer points out that this is not the first time Neuhaus has faced the licensing board.
"She had been accused of actually doing an abortion on a woman who had withdrawn her consent," the Operation Rescue spokesperson reports. "At one point, the board indicated that they believed that she was a danger to the public. She actually closed all of her abortion clinics a few years ago."
Sullinger believes Neuhaus helped conduct abortions on viable babies that the laws were designed to protect, so she contends that will be enough to revoke the physician's medical license.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 13, 2010