October 27, 2010

Planned Parenthood Rep Says Science Irrelevant in Amendment 62 Debate

     Amendment 62

Amendment 62 organizers have released video in which the No on 62 side declared, "We are not going to try to use science, or evidence," then "Science is not ultimate truth...science cannot be applied to my body..."

The debate took place at Fort Lewis College in Durango, between Amendment 62 representatives and the Planned Parenthood group "Advocates for Choice", which, according to the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains website, exists to "Educate young people."

The Planned Parenthood group's statements against science came after pro-life groups LifeGuard, Durango Pregnancy Center, Bayfield Christian, and Master Plan Ministry gave a science-based presentation detailing evidence that every human being's life begins at the onset of fertilization.

Next, the No on 62 side claimed that "Abortion is...safer...than getting your wisdom teeth removed."

"Abortion is infinitely more dangerous than wisdom tooth extraction. You can't deny that 'dry socket' from wisdom tooth extraction is far safer than a perforated uterus, sepsis, infertility, scarring of the uterus, breast cancer, and death, which are just some of the possible complications of abortion," explained Jennifer Mason, a spokesperson for Amendment 62. "Abortion is not safer than wisdom tooth extraction, neither for the mom, nor the innocent child in her womb."

No on 62 reps also claimed "We're talking about science like it's something that's absolutely concrete... there's people on our side that research that says that the heart doesn't beat until 24 weeks."

"Textbooks, scientists, doctors, even abortionists know that the human heart starts beating at 22 days. How could they claim that a baby has no heartbeat before 24 weeks? It's outrageous," stated Dan Anguis, Amendment 62 organizer and Executive Director of LifeGuard in Durango. "Either the opponents of Amendment 62 are deliberately deceiving the public, or they have no scientific evidence to back their position. Either way, their disregard for science, medicine, and reason has left them with no lucid argument against Amendment 62."

"It's just shocking that they are distributing this misinformation to the public," added Mason. "The opposition to Amendment 62 is deceiving voters, basing their campaign on opinion and false statements. The simple truth is that a baby in the womb has a heartbeat days after her life begins, not months after. This is just one example of the opposition's dehumanization of the child in the womb, who deserves to be protected."

Jennifer Mason
Source:  Amendment 62
Publish Date: October 26, 2010