October 15, 2010

'Dangerous' conditions not deterring pro-lifers

    Charleston Women's Medical Center

Charges are pending against a Tennessee abortionist in connection with an assault incident in Charleston, South Carolina.
Troy Newman of Operation Rescue explains that 62-year-old Gary Boyle flies into South Carolina from Tennessee to perform abortions. But following a recent incident outside the Charleston Women's Medical Center, Boyle was arrested for pointing a loaded gun at pro-lifers.
"It looks like he was so perturbed by the peaceful, prayerful 40 Days for Life people that were praying in front of the abortion clinic that he operates there that he pulled a gun and pointed this weapon at the peaceful, prayerful pro-lifers," Newman reports. "He was subsequently arrested and booked on aggravated assault in the local jail."
The Operation Rescue president finds the increased amount of violence against pro-lifers disturbing.
"We'll remember Jim Pouillon that was brutally gunned down and murdered in Michigan just last year, and we've had other incidents," he laments. "I've had weapons pulled on me. Recently, there was another incident in Albuquerque, New Mexico where a man threatened to shoot some pro-lifers out there. So it's becoming increasingly dangerous."
But even in the face of that danger, Newman says the pro-life advocates he knows will not be deterred because they are prayerfully working to rescue unborn children who are sentenced to die.
While the pro-life battle field is becoming increasingly dangerous, advocates in Rockford, Illinois, who thought they were about to reach a settlement with the city, will most likely finish their case in federal court because of the lack of protection the city provides for them. 
Rockford is the home of the Northern Illinois Women's Center, one of the most notorious abortion clinics in the state. The owner is known for hassling and threatening pro-lifers by taking measures like approaching them with a chainsaw, hanging rubber chickens by the neck in the window and posting anti-Christian slogans. One pro-lifer was actually attacked by a supporter of the clinic.

Tom Brechja, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, reports that a federal civil rights lawsuit was filed against the city two-and-a-half years ago.

"We thought we were on the way to settling, and the judge even presided in a number of conferences in chambers. And suddenly, they changed their tune," he explains. "We're not sure exactly why or what led to it, [but] we think there's probably a civil war going on within the Rockford city government."

Brechja feels the pro-lifers have been as patient as possible with the city.

"Just the other day, we were in court and we're back on the war path," he laments. "We've staked out a schedule for hostilities, and we're going to proceed in earnest to enforce our claims and win complete relief, we trust, against the city in federal court."

Pro-lifers simply want the law enforced and their constitutional rights protected, but the city may now have to pay damages.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 15, 2010
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