ACLU and Planned Parenthood attorneys have filed an injunction against the Mississippi Secretary of State, seeking to disallow Mississippi voters from voting on the Mississippi Personhood Amendment. The lawsuit denies the humanity of children in the womb, and disparages their rights as human beings created in God's image.
Upon learning of this lawsuit, Walter Hoye of the California Civil Rights Foundation, stated the following : "In 1857 the U.S. Supreme Court decided: 'A Negro of the African race was regarded ... as an article of property ... a subordinate and inferior class of being.' In 1858, the Virginia Supreme Court declared: 'In the eyes of the law ... the slave is not a person.'
"In 1867, Buckner Payne, Publisher: 'The Negro is not a human being.' In 1900, Professor Charles Carroll: 'The Negro is ... one of the lower animals.' In 1903 Dr. William English: 'The negro race is ... a heritage of organic and psychic debris.' In 1909, Dr. E. T. Brady: 'They [Negroes] are parasites.' In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court decided: 'The Fetus, at most, represents only the potentiality of life.'"
Continued Hoye, "Today, it appears that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have joined forces to continue using the legal language of oppression against the preborn child and the more than 100,000 Mississippi residents who signed a legal petition, asking for the right to vote on the Mississippi Personhood Amendment, by filing an injunction against Mississippi's secretary of state to block the ballot measure."
"Surely, there is nothing new under the sun. History teaches us, time and time again, that the use of oppressive language to demonize and dehumanize certain segments of the human race is incontestably evil," Hoye concluded with a message to Personhood Mississippi.
"I have family in Mississippi and want Les Riley and Personhood Mississippi, to know that I and all those fighting the incontestable evil of the abortion industry are standing with them."
Walter Hoye, an avid supporter of the personhood efforts of Personhood Mississippi and Personhood USA, is the President and Founder of the California Civil Rights Foundation.
Contact: Walter Hoye
Date Published: July 21, 2010