July 15, 2010

Missouri Governor Allows Expanded 24-Hour Abortion-Consent Law

      Missouri Governor Jay Nixon
Gov. Jay Nixon announced today that a bill, which expands the requirements made on abortion clinics, would go into effect without his signature.

The expanded 24-hour abortion consent law requires clinics to offer women the chance to have an ultrasound, as well as listen to the preborn baby's heartbeat.

The law goes into effect Aug. 28.

The state will provide printed materials, detailing the risks associated with abortion. It also includes the statement, "The life of each human being begins at conception.  Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being." 

The brochure will also list available alternatives and what the preborn child looks like throughout the pregnancy.

In addition to enhanced informed consent provisions, the new law makes Missouri the fifth state to opt-out of abortion funding in the new federal health care law.

Source: CitizenLink
Date Published: July 14, 2010