Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorneys were in court today for oral arguments in a suit (Sherley v. Sebelius) alleging the Obama administration's embryonic research policy violates federal law.
The Dickey-Wicker Amendment, which must be passed by Congress each year, prohibits federal funds from being used to destroy human embryos for research purposes. President Obama has opened up new stem cell lines which will mean the destruction of human life.
Steven H. Aden, senior legal counsel for ADF, said no one should be allowed to decide that life is worthless.
"Innocent life should not be treated like a commodity," he said. "Although private sector funding of embryonic stem-cell research has been practically unlimited, it has failed to produce results. In economic times like we are in now, why should the federal government use precious taxpayer dollars for this illegal and unethical purpose?"
Contact: Roger Greer
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: April 12, 2010
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