April 28, 2010

Court Rules in Favor of Pro-Life Student Expression

Court Rules in Favor of Pro-Life Student Expression
Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity logo

A federal court has ruled that a New Jersey teen should not have been prevented from taking part in the national Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity.

The Bridgeton High School student was not allowed to distribute pro-life literature during non-instructional times or wear a red armband bearing the word "Life."  School officials told her that public schools allowed nothing "religious."

David Cortman, senior legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund, said the ruling provides vital protection for free speech.

"When a student attends a public school, he or she retains their First Amendment rights, and that also pertains to religious speech," he said.  "This particular school has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the state, and the highest teenage abortion rate in the state, and this young lady was being a faithful witness."

Contact: Roger Greer
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: April 27, 2010
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