RU 486A dangerous, potentially illegal method of abortion has become popular in the Midwest.
Operation Rescue has discovered that abortion clinics in some of Iowa's small towns are providing chemical abortions, or RU-486, using what is known as the "telemed abortion." Spokesperson Cheryl Sullinger explains there are a number of problems with this method.
"Twelve clinics in Iowa actually are prescribing dangerous abortion pills without having the patients ever being examined by a licensed physician," she reports. "Instead, the physician appears to women on a teleconferencing hookup on a computer monitor, explains the abortion procedure, then the women are given the pills and sent away."
Cheryl Sullinger (Operation Rescue)Operation Rescue believes the practice is dangerous and perhaps illegal as it is a requirement that abortions in Iowa only be performed by "licensed physicians." According to an undercover phone conversation with a Planned Parenthood worker, only four of the 16 clinics have doctors -- indicating that supposed "nurses" administer the drugs.
"Most of the time we found out that these are just women with no medical training whatsoever, and they don't have any licenses at all," Sullinger points out. "They just refer to them as 'nurses' without them actually being licensed or having any medical training."
She believes administering abortion drugs without a medical examination is potentially deadly. Six women have died nationwide after taking the drugs, and serious complications have been reported in 1,000 cases.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: April 5, 2010
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