No follow through on campaign promises of reducing abortions in advisory meeting.
President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships presented policy recommendations to him today – notably missing: Any mention of the life issue.
Pro-life groups had hoped to hear the council's plan to reduce abortions. CBN White House Correspondent David Brody said that did not happen.
"This council, in essence, basically punted the abortion question down the road," he said.
Brody said the council has attempted to take a pass on the hot-button issue.
"This council did have the discussion on abortions," Brody added. "It's just that they felt they needed to push that off a little bit more to the Domestic Policy Council."
Ashley Horne, federal issues analyst with Focus on the Family Action, said Obama missed an opportunity.
"The president said he wanted to reduce the need for abortions," she said. "So, that topic would have been a natural fit for this group. It's one more strike against a president who, so far, has catered only to the pro-abortion agenda."
Contact: Steve Jordahl
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: March 10, 2010
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