Our message is clear. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life.
WASHINGTON - Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, will join Pennsylvania pro-life leaders in a "pray-in" at the office of Senator Casey this afternoon in Washington DC.
Activists also plan a series of public events around the state of Pennsylvania over the next two weeks to encourage Senator Casey to embrace human rights and refrain from voting for cloture on the Senate health care legislation.
Cloture is a parliamentary procedure in the Senate where debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter being discussed.
A cloture vote in the United States Senate needs 60 votes.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
"The pro-life community wants to make it clear to Senator Casey and Senator Nelson that a vote for cloture is a vote for abortion. Since the United States Senate has enough votes to pass health care reform in it's final version, a cloture vote is a final vote. It is a vote to support the bill.
"Even if Senator Casey and Senator Nelson vote against the bill in it's final passage, they cannot make the claim that they are pro-life or they are interested in protecting the rights of America's children.
"It is hard to imagine that Senator Casey and Senator Nelson would sponsor an amendment prohibiting public money from being use to pay for abortions and then turn around and vote for cloture which guarantees that the health care bill would include taxpayer funded abortions.
"I will be joining with pro-life activists from Pennsylvania today in a 'pray in' at the office of Senator Casey. I will also be working with them over the next two weeks in a public campaign around Pennsylvania challenging Mr. Casey to embrace human rights and social justice and protect America's children.
"Our message is clear and unambiguous. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life."
Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney
Source: Christian Defense Coalition
Publish Date: December 15, 2009
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