TODAY is the defining day of the struggle to remove the abortion mandate from health care reform.
TODAY is the day to take a stand -- for LIFE.
We are on the eve of the vote of the U.S. House of Representatives health care bill.
This legislation is estimated to cost our nation over $1.2 TRILLION and still contains a massive abortion industry bailout in the form of government funded abortions through the "public" option.
Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry are pulling out all the stops to get this bill passed. They know it will open the floodgates to billions of dollars of government funds for their abortion business -- and they are pressuring elected officials into giving them exactly what they want.
There is nothing more important today than FLOODING our Congressmen with calls and e-mails insisting that they explicitly exclude abortion from any health care reform bill!
This afternoon, pro-abortion House leaders are expected to put forward a "Rule" intended to BLOCK the only Pro-Life Amendment on the table -- the Stupak-Pitts Amendment -- from receiving a vote.
Instead, the "Rule" is expected to include the Ellsworth Amendment, which House leadership has been deceptively calling a "pro-life" amendment. The Ellsworth Amendment specifically ALLOWS federal funding of abortion in the public plan and allows government subsidies to go to private plans that include abortion coverage.
Don't be fooled!
Such a "Rule" would prevent any truly pro-life provision from being considered or included and will result in the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
We only have TODAY!
Tell Congress: "Remove abortion funding and mandates from health care reform!" Don't delay: http://tinyurl.com/yg6jot5
And just in time to help get the word out that the current health care reform bill DOES fund abortion on demand with government money, Stop the Abortion Mandate coalition members just launched a new ad on CNN Headline News today.
As Congressman Chris Smith said on Monday night's massive Stop the Abortion Mandate webcast:
Act now, or millions more innocent unborn children will die.
Act now, or millions more innocent unborn children will die.