NEWS SHORTS FOR FRIDAY (Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.) 'Ordained Baptist' Abortion Doctor: 'Yes', I Am Killing Babies ![]() DALLAS -- Dr. Curtis Boyd is no stranger to controversy. In 1973, Boyd opened the Fairmount Center, which was the first abortion clinic in Texas. Boyd is the only doctor in North Texas who will perform late-term abortions to women up to six months pregnant. "We see patients from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and across Texas," he said. Now, the doctor has made a jarring admission. "Am I killing?" Boyd said. "Yes, I am. I know that." Boyd said he is an ordained Baptist minister who has now turned Unitarian. He said he prays often. "I'll ask that the spirit of this pregnancy be returned to God with love and understanding," he said. Click here for the full article. Even in House, Hangups Over Abortion, Illegal Alien Funding May Stall the Bill ![]() Speaker Nancy Pelosi-no democrat, small "d"–wants to shove her 2000 + page monstrous bill down our throats by forcing the House to vote before anyone–including legislators–can absorb all its provisions. Toward this imperious end, she scheduled the vote for a rare Saturday House session. But all is not going down the collective throat smoothly. The very hangups I predicted would make health care reform difficult to pass–abortion funding and coverage for illegal aliens–may (emphasis, may) hold that up. Click here for the full article. Catholic Advocacy Organizations Unite to Ask Catholic Politicians to Reject H.R. 3962 ![]() Tomorrow's vote on healthcare reform is a defining moment for our Church and country. For our nation it will determine whether or not we will take a final step toward the culture of death that began with Roe v Wade in 1973. For our Church this vote represents a moment when politicians who profess to be Catholic will determine whether or not every American citizen will be forced to pay for terminating innocent human life. The Catholic Church is clear about what the right decision must be--there is no wiggle room, there is no option other than to vote against this bill. H.R. 3962 puts the character of our nation at risk. When medical care is allowed to be hijacked by the ideological programs of the extreme left, not only will the innocent suffer and the elderly with incurable illnesses, but the heart of America, which has always been so generous towards those who suffer, will be hardened. Click here for the full article. Is Hollywood tipping pro-life? ![]() When I read NBC's Law & Order was airing an episode last week "ripped from the headlines" of an abortionist shot in church, i.e., Dr. George Tiller, I, of course, anticipated the plot would not go well for pro-lifers. The most I expected was milliseconds of fairness with pro-abortion clichés ruling the hour. My, was I surprised. I could have written that script. The episode wasn't even balanced. It was outright pro-life, not that I mind. If you haven't seen the episode, you should. Sans commercials it is only 42 minutes long.... ![]() Click here to view the episode. Click here for the full article. USCCB Condemnation Tears Facade off "Phony" Abortion Compromise for Health Bill NRLC's Douglas Johnson called the Ellsworth Amendment "a political fig leaf made out of cellophane." ![]() A sound condemnation from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has helped dash the chances that the latest purported "compromise" on abortion in the health care overhaul proposed by Democrats could be smuggled through as a legitimately pro-life option. The amendment in question, proposed by Democratic Rep. Brad Ellsworth this week, purports to remove "federal funding for abortion" in H.R. 3962 by hiring contractors to issue checks for abortion - essentially putting one more procedural step between abortion and those who pay for them through the government plan. The USCCB memo told congressional staff Thursday that U.S. bishops did not consider the amendment sufficient - that it does not, in fact, address any of the pro-life concerns in the health bill. Click here for the full article. |