(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)
Judge Dismisses five count lawsuit Against Aurora Planned Parenthood Clinic

DuPage County Circuit Judge Neal Cerne dismissed all five counts of a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood and the City of Aurora Friday morning, but gave anti-abortion protesters leave to plead their case again next month. The suit, filed last February by Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood and several local protesters, alleges numerous violations of city zoning and building code during the approval of Planned Parenthood's clinic at 3051 E. New York Street, and calls for the building's demolition. The case centers around a zoning law that opponents say required Planned Parenthood to obtain a special use permit to operate a non-profit medical clinic. City officials disagree with this assertion.
Click here for the full article.
Obamacare: Ireland Pays Surgeons To Do Nothing as Operations Canceled

As we move forward toward centralized bureaucratic health care control, it is worth noting the problems in countries that already have it. Ireland is apparently paying surgeons to do nothing, while surgeries are canceled because the department is over budged, and the lines grow ever longer. From the story:
Three Irish surgeons have revealed that they are being paid a whopping $350,000 to do nothing. The three orthopedic consultants at Letterkenny General HospitalCounty Donegal have revealed that the Irish Health Service is paying them to "sit around doing nothing" while operating theaters are empty. Senior consultant and team leader, Peter O'Rourke said he is "frustrated and depressed" about the current working climate in Letterkenny General Hospital. The surgeon claims there is little or no work for his team in the busy hospital despite massive waiting lists for essential knee and hip surgeries known as elective surgeries. The health service has put such surgeries on hold until next year as the "elective" budget has overrun by $3.3 million.
Click here for the full article.
Planned Parenthood Lowers Price of Birth Control By Half

Stores, restaurants, and organizations all over America have been lowering their prices due to the economy. Planned Parenthood is no exception. Recently, Planned Parenthood lowered the price of its birth control pills to $12, which is half the price of what they were. "On average, our normal birth control prices are about $5 less than at most pharmacies, and now we have our half-price pill option," Liz Carroll, Vice President of Patient Services for Planned Parenthood of Indiana, said. The idea to offer half-price pills started a month and a half ago due to the situation of the economy. According to a press release written by PPIN Media Spokesperson Kate Shepherd, health care should not be put on the back burner during these tough economic times.
Click here for the full article.
Prenatal Gadgets May Communicate With Fetus

For the first half of her pregnancy, Suzanne Ling played classical music for her unborn child whenever she drove her car. She had heard about "the Mozart effect" from a friend, who swore that classical music soothed her baby both pre- and post-delivery. Around week 20, Ling discovered BabyPlus, an egg-shaped device that she wore around her growing abdomen. The device played 16 audio lessons of heartbeatlike tones and promised to teach a fetus to recognize patterns and differentiate sounds. After baby Alexander was born, Ling was certain that he was especially engaged, aware and smart.
Click here for the full article.
House ObamaCare Bill D.O.A. In Senate

The glow from a health care triumph faded quickly for President Barack Obama on Sunday as Democrats realized the bill they fought so hard to pass in the House has nowhere to go in the Senate. Speaking from the Rose Garden about 14 hours after the late Saturday vote, Obama urged senators to be like runners on a relay team and "take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people." The problem is that the Senate won't run with it. The government health insurance plan included in the House bill is unacceptable to a few Democrats who hold the balance of power in the Senate.
Click here for the full article.
Pensacola Abortion Clinic Closes After Failing To Pay State Fine

The Community Healthcare Center, one of two Pensacola abortion clinics, is closed because of its failure to pay a $413,000 fine to the state for a licensing violation, the Pensacola News Journal reports. The North Ninth Avenue clinic, in operation for more than 25 years, was licensed as an abortion clinic as well as a clinical laboratory for blood testing. In January, a survey by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration determined that the center's lab license had been expired for 413 days. A fine of $1,000 per day was imposed.AHCA is responsible for the licensing and regulation of health facilities and for administration of Medicaid, the News Journal reported. Since January, the abortion clinic has remained in operation while the lab has been shut down. But on Oct. 30, still unable to pay the fine, the clinic voluntarily shut down, said Tiffany Vause, AHCA press secretary.
Click here for the full article.
(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)
Judge Dismisses five count lawsuit Against Aurora Planned Parenthood Clinic

DuPage County Circuit Judge Neal Cerne dismissed all five counts of a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood and the City of Aurora Friday morning, but gave anti-abortion protesters leave to plead their case again next month. The suit, filed last February by Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood and several local protesters, alleges numerous violations of city zoning and building code during the approval of Planned Parenthood's clinic at 3051 E. New York Street, and calls for the building's demolition. The case centers around a zoning law that opponents say required Planned Parenthood to obtain a special use permit to operate a non-profit medical clinic. City officials disagree with this assertion.
Click here for the full article.
Obamacare: Ireland Pays Surgeons To Do Nothing as Operations Canceled

As we move forward toward centralized bureaucratic health care control, it is worth noting the problems in countries that already have it. Ireland is apparently paying surgeons to do nothing, while surgeries are canceled because the department is over budged, and the lines grow ever longer. From the story:
Three Irish surgeons have revealed that they are being paid a whopping $350,000 to do nothing. The three orthopedic consultants at Letterkenny General HospitalCounty Donegal have revealed that the Irish Health Service is paying them to "sit around doing nothing" while operating theaters are empty. Senior consultant and team leader, Peter O'Rourke said he is "frustrated and depressed" about the current working climate in Letterkenny General Hospital. The surgeon claims there is little or no work for his team in the busy hospital despite massive waiting lists for essential knee and hip surgeries known as elective surgeries. The health service has put such surgeries on hold until next year as the "elective" budget has overrun by $3.3 million.
Click here for the full article.
Planned Parenthood Lowers Price of Birth Control By Half

Stores, restaurants, and organizations all over America have been lowering their prices due to the economy. Planned Parenthood is no exception. Recently, Planned Parenthood lowered the price of its birth control pills to $12, which is half the price of what they were. "On average, our normal birth control prices are about $5 less than at most pharmacies, and now we have our half-price pill option," Liz Carroll, Vice President of Patient Services for Planned Parenthood of Indiana, said. The idea to offer half-price pills started a month and a half ago due to the situation of the economy. According to a press release written by PPIN Media Spokesperson Kate Shepherd, health care should not be put on the back burner during these tough economic times.
Click here for the full article.
Prenatal Gadgets May Communicate With Fetus

For the first half of her pregnancy, Suzanne Ling played classical music for her unborn child whenever she drove her car. She had heard about "the Mozart effect" from a friend, who swore that classical music soothed her baby both pre- and post-delivery. Around week 20, Ling discovered BabyPlus, an egg-shaped device that she wore around her growing abdomen. The device played 16 audio lessons of heartbeatlike tones and promised to teach a fetus to recognize patterns and differentiate sounds. After baby Alexander was born, Ling was certain that he was especially engaged, aware and smart.
Click here for the full article.
House ObamaCare Bill D.O.A. In Senate

The glow from a health care triumph faded quickly for President Barack Obama on Sunday as Democrats realized the bill they fought so hard to pass in the House has nowhere to go in the Senate. Speaking from the Rose Garden about 14 hours after the late Saturday vote, Obama urged senators to be like runners on a relay team and "take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people." The problem is that the Senate won't run with it. The government health insurance plan included in the House bill is unacceptable to a few Democrats who hold the balance of power in the Senate.
Click here for the full article.
Pensacola Abortion Clinic Closes After Failing To Pay State Fine

The Community Healthcare Center, one of two Pensacola abortion clinics, is closed because of its failure to pay a $413,000 fine to the state for a licensing violation, the Pensacola News Journal reports. The North Ninth Avenue clinic, in operation for more than 25 years, was licensed as an abortion clinic as well as a clinical laboratory for blood testing. In January, a survey by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration determined that the center's lab license had been expired for 413 days. A fine of $1,000 per day was imposed.AHCA is responsible for the licensing and regulation of health facilities and for administration of Medicaid, the News Journal reported. Since January, the abortion clinic has remained in operation while the lab has been shut down. But on Oct. 30, still unable to pay the fine, the clinic voluntarily shut down, said Tiffany Vause, AHCA press secretary.
Click here for the full article.