Abortion business announces its own 'termination'
'That is not just a coincidence. God works in mysterious ways'

Map of the campaign locations for the fall 2009 "40 Days for Life"
Thousands of pro-life activists and ordinary citizens tired of the abortion industry's advance across the United States are celebrating a huge victory that apparently has come about at least partly because of the 40 Days for Life campaign, an organized series of protests.
Officials with the organization announced today that, with a brief legal notice in a newspaper, a Pensacola, Fla., abortion business announced it is closing.
The clinic, the Community Health Center of Pensacola, has been the site of three "40 Days for Life" prayer vigils.
Its notice in the local newspaper confirmed, "As of October 30, 2009, The Community Health Center of Pensacola will be terminating its practice."
"There had been an abortion clinic in that location for 25 years," said David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life.
"People have prayed there that abortions would cease, and it was during the fall 40 Days for Life campaign – the peaceful, prayerful presence of faithful Christians – that it was finally announced that this facility, where untold numbers of unborn children perished, was closing," he said.
"That is not just a coincidence. God works in mysterious ways, and this is indeed an answer to prayer!"
He said it was the fifth closure of an abortion business that has been the site of a 40 Days for Life vigil.
WND also reported in 2006 on a series of abortion business closures that were due to a series of cases in which they were caught violating standard health facility rules and regulations.
Officials said the Pensacola business was facing a choice between closing its doors or paying a $413,000 state fine for an expired laboratory license.
State officials told WEAR-TV in Pensacola the business owners did not pay the fine.
"This fall's campaign has been the most incredibly blessed 40 Days for Life effort yet," Bereit said.
It was the fifth such organized program in which volunteers meet and pray outside of an abortion business around the clock for 40 days.
The most recent campaign ran from Sept. 23 through Nov. 1 in 212 communities in 45 American states, five Canadian provinces and one location in Denmark.
"There have been 571 lives spared from abortion that we know of this fall," Bereit said. "There have been eight abortion industry employers who have left their jobs. And two abortion centers have announced their closings. It's been a most eventful 40 days."
In addition to the Florida business, a Planned Parenthood branch in Kalispell, Mont., announced it was closing.
A video describes the biblical foundations for the work:
Click here for the video.
The organization said more than 200,000 people have taken part and more than 4,000 churches have contributed to 40 Days for Life projects.
Contact: Bob Unruh
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date: November 7, 2009
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'That is not just a coincidence. God works in mysterious ways'

Map of the campaign locations for the fall 2009 "40 Days for Life"
Thousands of pro-life activists and ordinary citizens tired of the abortion industry's advance across the United States are celebrating a huge victory that apparently has come about at least partly because of the 40 Days for Life campaign, an organized series of protests.
Officials with the organization announced today that, with a brief legal notice in a newspaper, a Pensacola, Fla., abortion business announced it is closing.
The clinic, the Community Health Center of Pensacola, has been the site of three "40 Days for Life" prayer vigils.
Its notice in the local newspaper confirmed, "As of October 30, 2009, The Community Health Center of Pensacola will be terminating its practice."
"There had been an abortion clinic in that location for 25 years," said David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life.
"People have prayed there that abortions would cease, and it was during the fall 40 Days for Life campaign – the peaceful, prayerful presence of faithful Christians – that it was finally announced that this facility, where untold numbers of unborn children perished, was closing," he said.
"That is not just a coincidence. God works in mysterious ways, and this is indeed an answer to prayer!"
He said it was the fifth closure of an abortion business that has been the site of a 40 Days for Life vigil.
WND also reported in 2006 on a series of abortion business closures that were due to a series of cases in which they were caught violating standard health facility rules and regulations.
Officials said the Pensacola business was facing a choice between closing its doors or paying a $413,000 state fine for an expired laboratory license.
State officials told WEAR-TV in Pensacola the business owners did not pay the fine.
"This fall's campaign has been the most incredibly blessed 40 Days for Life effort yet," Bereit said.
It was the fifth such organized program in which volunteers meet and pray outside of an abortion business around the clock for 40 days.
The most recent campaign ran from Sept. 23 through Nov. 1 in 212 communities in 45 American states, five Canadian provinces and one location in Denmark.
"There have been 571 lives spared from abortion that we know of this fall," Bereit said. "There have been eight abortion industry employers who have left their jobs. And two abortion centers have announced their closings. It's been a most eventful 40 days."
In addition to the Florida business, a Planned Parenthood branch in Kalispell, Mont., announced it was closing.
A video describes the biblical foundations for the work:
Click here for the video.
The organization said more than 200,000 people have taken part and more than 4,000 churches have contributed to 40 Days for Life projects.
Contact: Bob Unruh
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date: November 7, 2009
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