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Senate Finance Committee’s Health Care Legislation Coming to A Vote
Senate Finance Committee member
Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, talks to
reporters on Capitol Hill on Thursday,
Oct. 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Harry Hamburg)
President Barack Obama's plan to remake the nation's health care system is about to take its biggest step yet toward becoming reality.
The pivotal Senate Finance Committee was poised to approve sweeping legislation Tuesday requiring nearly all Americans to purchase insurance and ushering in a host of other changes to the nation's $2.5 trillion medical system.
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Personhood: The Right Language and the Correct Strategy at the Right Time
In 1972, when Chief Justice Warren Burger appointed Harry Blackmun to write the majority opinion on Roe v. Wade it was at first rejected. Blackmun at first argued that a woman had a right to do whatever she pleased with her own body. This argument was rejected by Burger because it did not apply to drugs, public nudity, suicide attempts, and so on. It was too unsophisticated an argument for such a difficult case. Blackmun filed for a reargument and waited for Nixon to fill two vacancies on the nine member court (Roe was originally decided with seven). In October, the court heard rearguments with new appointees Powell and Rehnquist. This time Justice Stewart asked Sarah Weddington if it was critical to her case to say that the 14th amendment did not protect the fetus as a "person."
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White House Says Catholic Bishops Have Misinterpreted Law Banning Federal Funding of Abortion--And Its Application to Health-Care Bill
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (AP Photo)
One day after the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops vowed to “vigorously” oppose the health care bill under consideration in Congress if it is not amended to explicitly prohibit federal funding of abortions, the White House for the second time in a week said the bishops are wrong to assert that the bill permits funding of abortion.
White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs told CNSNews.com the bishops do not understand the existing law restricting federal funding of abortion. Click here for the video.
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Abortionist Punches Woman in Face in Road Rage Incident
Sandy Springs police have arrested abortionist Daniel E. McBrayer, 58, on charges of punching a woman in the face during an afternoon "road rage" incident last Monday.
Regina Ordaz says that McBrayer got out of his car at the intersection of Roswell and Abernathy roads, walked up to her car as she was stopped at a red light, and struck her in the face.
Click here for the full article.
Republicans Formally State Their Objections to Senate Finance Committee’s Health Care Legislation
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., left, and the committee's ranking Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, center, and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, during the committee's hearing on health care reform on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009.(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
(CNSNews.com) – “Pretty much everything’s been said, and now it’s time to get the job done,” Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said Tuesday as the Senate Finance Committee prepared to vote on the fifth and final Democratic health care bill to emerge on Capitol Hill.
The “Baucus bill” is expected to easily pass the committee, given the Democrats’ 13-10 advantage. With the possible exception of Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), all committee Republicans will vote against the bill.
Click here for the full article.