Attorney General Needs to Examine Abortion Industry for Civil Rights Violations
Dr. Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said today that the Justice Department's new drive to investigate the possibly racist policies of federal fund recipients should include Planned Parenthood.
"The acting head of the Obama administration's Civil Rights Division wants to crack down on groups that receive federal money and whose policies have a negative impact on minorities," said Dr. King. "I can save her a lot of time. All she has to do is look at the abortion industry and its leading money maker, Planned Parenthood, to find suspicious characters."
"I would say wiping out one-quarter of the African American population qualifies as a negative impact on a minority group," added Dr. King. "There is no greater violator of civil rights than the abortion industry and if the Obama Justice Department is serious about investigating discrimination perpetrated by recipients of federal money, it should start with the billion dollar abortion giant, Planned Parenthood."
Contact: Margaret
Source: Priests for Life
Publish Date: September 2, 2009
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Dr. Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said today that the Justice Department's new drive to investigate the possibly racist policies of federal fund recipients should include Planned Parenthood.
"The acting head of the Obama administration's Civil Rights Division wants to crack down on groups that receive federal money and whose policies have a negative impact on minorities," said Dr. King. "I can save her a lot of time. All she has to do is look at the abortion industry and its leading money maker, Planned Parenthood, to find suspicious characters."
"I would say wiping out one-quarter of the African American population qualifies as a negative impact on a minority group," added Dr. King. "There is no greater violator of civil rights than the abortion industry and if the Obama Justice Department is serious about investigating discrimination perpetrated by recipients of federal money, it should start with the billion dollar abortion giant, Planned Parenthood."
Contact: Margaret
Source: Priests for Life
Publish Date: September 2, 2009
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