June 29, 2009

Healthcare Forum

On Tuesday, June 30th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Rep. Lipinski is hosting a forum on the healthcare issue at an American Legion hall at 6050 South Harlem in Summit, IL near the heart of the 3rd Congressional District. 

We are asking that pro-lifers, especially those living in the 3rd district quietly PACK this meeting by 6:30 or earlier and POLITELY let Rep. Lipinski know that we are concerned about this issue and would appreciate his support for pro-life positions.

We specifically would appreciate his opposition to federal funding of life-destructive (embryonic) stem cell research.

We ask Rep. Lipinski to separate the abortion issue from one's overall support for or opposition to any of the healthcare proposals.

If he continues to stand up for life, we are ready to stand strong with him in the face of any challenge from the pro-aborts in the House.