Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union Urges Support of the Susan B. Anthony/Frederick Douglas Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act, (PreNDA)
Today in America, we all would like to believe that racism no longer exists, but that is just not the case.
That fact is most evident to me every night when I turn on the evening news and hear the stories night, after night, after night about the beautiful 2 year old or 5 year old little white girls who are either missing, or have been brutally murdered. My heart aches and breaks for them and their families -- beautiful children! Yet, I know there are little black girls who have disappeared or who died the same horrible, tragic deaths and the silence of the media regarding those black children is deafening! All African-Americans know exactly what I'm talking about.
The point is that in America, we subconsciously devalue black babies. We are tricked into thinking a black child has less value than a child of another race. In a nation marred by the battles of eradicating slavery and advancing civil rights for women and minorities, we cannot sanction the killing of babies simply because they are of an undesired race or sex.
Although U.S. law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race in various contexts, including the provision of employment, education and housing, African-American babies are still openly targeted and discriminated against.
For instance, in recent YouTube videos there were several instances where Planned Parenthood representatives were willing to accept racist donations, even to the point of being "excited" at the possibility of taking money specifically earmarked to kill black babies.
More proof that black children are targeted for abortion is the fact that Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion chain continuously plants killing centers strategically in our urban and minority neighborhoods. This is no accident! The Alan Guttmacher Institute, along with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), show that the majority of abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods -- experts estimate the number at higher than 75%.
We must come to grip with awful facts. There are those who believe killing black children will somehow make them safer. Some believe black babies are worthless and should be killed before they become welfare recipients. Why else would Planned Parenthood prey on black, poor women in urban and minority areas? This is the greatest civil rights battle of our time!
To date, no state has enacted a law to prohibit race-targeted abortions or the solicitation -- or acceptance of funds for purposes of financing race-targeted abortions. Therefore, it is paramount that the federal government set a precedent to ensure that there is protection for these children. A person must not be denied life because of the color of his or her skin.
We must eliminate racism wherever it lives and the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act (PreNDA) will help to do just that.
Contact: Day Gardner
Source: National Black Pro-Life Union
Publish Date: April 2, 2009