Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
Oklahoma legislature would allow pregnant mother to use deadly force to protect unborn

The Oklahoma Legislature is considering a bill that would define unborn children as persons to allow pregnant women to use deadly force to save the lives of their babies.
The bill, titled the "Use of Force For the Protection of the Unborn Act," was co-authored by State Rep. Mike Thompson and was sought by the group Americans United for Life.
"Unfortunately, we feel we need legislation like this," Thompson said to KOCO 5 News. "What we want to make sure is that a woman feels safe and secure defending herself and her unborn child against any attacker."
UN Development Agencies see Human Population as "Hindrance" to Advancement: Vatican Spokesman
A Vatican spokesman told the UN on Wednesday that viewing population growth as a "hindrance" to social and economic development is a costly mistake, and one that is redirecting the work of the UN away from actually helping the poor.
Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the head of the Vatican's mission to the United Nations, said that the preparatory documents for the latest session of the Commission on Population and Development, give the "impression" that the Commission is "giving priority to population control and getting the poor to accept these arrangements rather than primarily focusing upon its commitments to addressing education, basic health care, access to water, sanitation and employment."
Archbishop Migliore pointed out that despite dire projections fifteen years ago that human populations would outstrip resources, the actual numbers have shown a slow-down in population growth and at the same time, an increase in food production around the world. "Food production continues to rise to the point where it is capable of supporting a larger global population and is even being diverted to the production of fuel," he said.
Obama Announces Two Federal Appeals Court Nominees
President Obama on Thursday announced the nomination of two federal judges for U.S. appeals courts -- Andre Davis of Maryland and Gerard Lynch of New York -- choices that would "change the political balance of both courts," the AP/Google.com reports. Davis and Lynch are Obama's second and third picks for the federal appeals courts, joining U.S. District Court Judge David Hamilton of Indiana, whose Senate hearing for confirmation to the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit got under way this week. Davis, who has been a judge for 22 years, would serve on the Virginia-based Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. His confirmation would give the circuit six Democratic-appointed judges and six Republican-appointed judges, leaving the court with three vacancies.
OK For Pharmacies Not To Sell Plan B
A Sangamon County judge on Friday temporarily barred state officials from requiring two pro-life pharmacy owners to dispense emergency contraception. Sangamon Circuit Judge John Belz granted a temporary restraining order against the state at the request of pharmacy owners Luke Vander Bleek of Morrison and Glenn Kosirog of Wheaton. Vander Bleek and Kosirog, who operate pharmacies in Morrison, Sycamore, Genoa and Chicago, believe "morning-after pills" can result in what they consider to be abortions.
Elite Depopulation Agenda Gains Ground
Another prominent scientist has thrown his weight behind the long term agenda to implement measures to stem the population of the planet, a view that is gaining ground with increased pressure on governments to act over climate change as the justification. The Medical Journal of Australia has published a report by a professor who suggests that couples with more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring's carbon dioxide emissions.