April 6, 2018

Pro-life voices are now firmly in Facebook’s crosshairs

Pro-life voices are now firmly in Facebook’s crosshairs
Mark Zuckerberg, who controls Facebook with its two billion users, has had his computer software engineers design complex computer algorithms – a sequence of unambiguous instructions written in computer code – that direct his computers, on their own and largely without any human intervention, to promote posts by certain groups while suppressing others.

The effect on pro-life groups has been dramatic.  In fact, every group we know has seen their reach and influence on social media platforms suddenly diminished. The reason is that Facebook, along with YouTube, Twitter and Google, are deliberately suppressing pro-life, pro-family views while freely promoting Left-wing ideology.  Zuckerberg is a leading member of the coastal elite, so it is no surprise that his new algorithm suppresses the voices of "deplorables" like us who believe in the sanctity of life.

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BREAKING: Alfie Evans’ mom: hospital ‘went behind our backs,’ plans to remove baby’s life support

BREAKING: Alfie Evans’ mom: hospital ‘went behind our backs,’ plans to remove baby’s life support
Just hours after receiving new signs of hope, now Alfie Evans’ parents say that Alder Hey Children's Hospital still intends to remove life support that will end the life of their son on Friday.

Kate James accuses the hospital of giving them “false hope.” She says that despite the fact that they presented the hospital with fresh evidence that Alfie was fit to be flown to another hospital, Alder Hey Hospital has “gone behind our backs and at 4 pm sent the application back to Justice Hayden to remove Alfie’s life support as soon as tomorrow, even though in the meeting they agreed to view the evidence and have a meeting over it.”

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Alfie Evans’ aunt says hospital is holding off disconnecting his ventilator, will “consider alternative options”

Alfie Evans’ aunt says hospital is holding off disconnecting his ventilator, will “consider alternative options”
While there are mixed signals, it appears as if, for now, the hospital at which gravely ill Alfie Evans is a patient may be holding off withdrawing the 21-month-old little boy’s ventilator.

The parents lost at all three levels of the British judiciary—the trial court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court—all of which backed the hospital’s conclusion that Alfie was terminal, that further treatment would be futile, and that keeping him alive on a ventilator would compromise his “future dignity.” Their last ditch appeal to the European Court of Human Rights was rebuffed last week.

One day after Pope Francis tweeted his support for Alfie and Steven Woolfe, a British Member of the European Parliament met with hospital appeals, Woolfe held a press conference in which he said, according to the Liverpool Echo’s Josh Parry,

“Just had a meeting at Alder Hey with Alfie’s parents. Hospital agreed not to end Alfie’s life today and will consider the alternative options we presented, including for Alfie to receive treatment available in Italy.”

Parry added,

Aunt Sarah Evans told the ECHO that an “agreement between Alder Hey and Tom had been reached to suspend end of life care so they can review Alfie’s situation and see if he is fit to travel abroad for further medical treatment.”

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April 5, 2018

Planned Parenthood fined $116K for failing to report payments to Hillary Clinton, senate candidate

Planned Parenthood fined $116K for failing to report payments to Hillary Clinton, senate candidate
The Federal Elections Commission fined Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin for failing to report $116,898 in contributions to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold.

According to FEC documents, the abortion affiliate’s political arm reported $133,305.04 in expenditures on its October 2016 quarterly report, but that sum included two payments of $58,449.04 apiece, dated August 31, 2016, but not submitted in any previous reports. One was a donation to Clinton, who lost to President Donald Trump, and the other a donation to Feingold, a former Wisconsin senator who unsuccessfully attempted to retake his old seat from Republican Ron Johnson in 2016.

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Amazing photos show 3-week-old baby sleeping in same position as he did in the womb

Amazing photos show 3-week-old baby sleeping in same position as he did in the womb
Matching images of a South Carolina baby boy taken within weeks before and after birth show he continues to sleep in the same exact position as he did in the womb -- capturing the baby boy’s personality while highlighting the humanity of the preborn.

Michael Steppling was caught in a laid-back pose with both arms up over his head when his mother, Sarah Kelleher Steppling, had an ultrasound at 38 weeks in her pregnancy with him.+

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April 4, 2018

Take heart! Even though Planned Parenthood is still funded, pro-life victories are everywhere else

Take heart! Even though Planned Parenthood is still funded, pro-life victories are everywhere else
Like many others, I was extremely disappointed that the Republican-controlled House and Senate approved a budget that handed Planned Parenthood another 500 million dollars—again.  Not only is this money aiding an organization that targets the smallest members of the human family for destruction, but the abortion giant has a history of pouring millions of dollars into defeating Republican candidates.

Despite this setback, it's important to remember that the pro-life movement has been having near-unprecedented success in limiting abortion.

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April 3, 2018

Supreme Court Rejects Gag Order Appeal in Undercover Video Case, But the Battle is Far from Over

Planned Parenthood abortionist Mary Gatter was seen in one unsealed CMP video haggling over how much money she could get for aborted baby remains, famously claiming that she wanted to buy a Lamborghini.

Planned Parenthood abortionist Mary Gatter was seen in one unsealed CMP video haggling over how much money she could get for aborted baby remains, famously claiming that she wanted to buy a Lamborghini.
The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Troy Newman over a gag order issued by a lower court that blocks the release of previously unpublished undercover videos created by the Center for Medical Progress. This allows the lower court ruling to stand.

Newman served as a founding board member for the Center for Medical Progress, and currently serves as President of Operation Rescue.

Through his attorney, Jay Sekulow, and his legal team from the American Center for Law and Justice, Newman argued that the gag order prohibited the release of incriminating videos to law enforcement agencies around the nation who sought the evidence in their own investigations. At least twenty state attorney generals had joined in the appeal.

"While appealing the gag order before the entire Supreme Court would have been preferable, we continue to fight the two oppressive lawsuits brought by the NAF and Planned Parenthood, which aim to silence us and conceal the truth about their involvement in the grisly illegal sale of aborted baby tissues and organs for profit," said Newman. "We pray that one day the full truth will come out, and those who have committed crimes will be held accountable in a court of law."

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

School district suspends teacher for abortion walkout question – but uses Planned Parenthood-approved sex ed

School district suspends teacher for abortion walkout question – but uses Planned Parenthood-approved sex ed

Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) recently made headlines when a teacher came under scrutiny after the national school violence walkout made headlines, and a history teacher asked her class what might happen if students walked out for an issue like abortion. That question, meant to spark critical thinking, netted her complaints that got her removed from her post temporarily at Rocklin High School — but behind the scenes at RUSD lies a sex education curriculum with ties to the abortion industry itself, which may help explain the mindset behind the backlash.

RUSD recently updated its sex education policies as part of “catching up with the times,” according to a story in January, coming into line with the implementation of the 2016 California Healthy Youth Act, which has some controversial requirements as far as conservative and pro-life parents might be concerned.

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Federal Judge orders Trump administration to not “interfere” with illegal immigrant teens accessing abortions

In a 100% predictable move, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan (pictured) issued an order Friday evening “barring the government from ‘interfering with or obstructing” pregnant minors’ access to abortion counseling or abortions, among other things, while a lawsuit proceeds,’” the Associated Press reported. “The order covers pregnant minors being held in federal custody after entering the country illegally.” The lawsuit was brought by the ACLU.

Judge Chutkan, who was the first judge to order the government to allow an illegal unaccompanied minor to have an abortion, also gave the ACLU the go-ahead to go forward with the lawsuit as a class action lawsuit. It is the ACLU’s position that all undocumented girls and women have a constitutional “right” to abortion.

In a statement issued Saturday, the Department of Health and Human Services said that it “strongly maintains that taxpayers are not responsible for facilitating the abortion of unaccompanied minors who entered the country illegally and are currently in the government’s care.”

It said it is “working closely with the Justice Department to review the court’s order and determine next steps,” according to the AP.

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Same old pro-abortion strategy: Throw enough mud and hope some will stick

Pro-abortionists, depending on the context, either announce that pro-lifers are essentially powerless (as the Texans say, all hat and no cattle), or incredibly influential largely because we supposedly are so underhanded. (Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!)

The latest from pro-abortion scribe Amanda Marcotte (pictured) announces that she’s discovered “How the anti-abortion movement helped invent fake news,” sub-headed, “Anti-abortion activists trained the right to accept and perpetuate lies. Now the problem has metastasized.”


This is the same Amanda Marcotte who in 2015 (referencing singer Nicki Minaj) urged us to see that pregnancy is like “when you break your leg” and abortion is the “cast.” Or who in the same year declared that “Actual biologists, for what it’s worth, argue that life is continuous and that a fertilized egg is no more or less alive than a sperm or an unfertilized egg.” (Of course, as Paul Stark astutely observed, this “is to confuse ‘life’ in the sense of all life everywhere on the planet going back to the beginning with the life of an individual human being.”)

Click here for more from NRL News Today.

April 2, 2018

Pro-life students will protest abortion after school shooting walkouts

Brandon Gillespie, a student at Rocklin High School in Sacramento, California
On April 11, 2018, pro-life high school students will walk out of their schools at 10 am for 17 minutes, to stand up for the lives of preborn children and spark a much-needed conversation about abortion.

Brandon Gillespie, a student at Rocklin High School in Sacramento, California, saw an opportunity for a pro-life walkout after students across the country staged walkouts against access to guns and gun violence in schools. One of Gillespie’s teachers, Julianne Benzel, was placed on administrative leave after asking the students if they think there is a double standard and if there were an abortion walkout, whether the school would support it as they supported the gun violence walkout. That got Gillespie thinking.

“My teacher was placed on administrative leave because she simply asked the question of is there is a double standard,” Gillespie told Live Action News. “That really inspired me and I wanted to put that to the test and see if the school district would allow a walkout for students with a more conservative topic.”

Click here for more from Live Action News.

Our first feminists never wanted abortion

Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell
When Elizabeth Cady Stanton was penning the Declaration of Sentiments, she was imagining a future in which women had the right to own property and to vote, as well as the ability to participate in legislation. She was picturing a life in which women were viewed as equal to men, able to earn an income, able to speak their mind, and treated with respect. But in that vision, did Stanton see a world with abortion on demand? Did any of the major players in early feminism aim for such a thing? No, the early feminists fought for women’s rights, and they did not include abortion.

The first feminists of the United States of America didn’t want what today’s liberal feminists spend their time fighting for — total and complete ‘reproductive freedom.’ They saw abortion for what it is: the oppression of women and children. Stanton said:

When we consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.

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March 30, 2018

Organizations are campaigning to have the U.S. Postal Service produce a Pro-Life Stamp

It was March 18, 1972, when the U.S. Postal Service produced a stamp promoting "family planning" – just one year before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide. Larry Jacobs, managing director of the World Congress of Families, explains their request to the USPS.

"... Just like we have ['Choose Life'] license plates in some of the states ... there's no reason we can't we have a 'Choose Life' stamp as a commemorative stamp at the national level," he argues. "It only balances out a stamp that the U.S. Postal Service already had promoting family planning."

Jacobs points that in the eyes of abortion supporters, "family planning" includes killing unborn children.

Click here to sign the petition.

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March 29, 2018

Alfie Evans’ parents accuse hospital of ‘blackmailing’ them to end their son’s life

In a Thursday Facebook post, Thomas Evans said personnel at England’s Alder Hey Children's Hospital won’t let him hold Alfie Evans until he agrees to allow his son’s ventilator to be removed.

“I have just brought my sister niece and younger brother in Alfies room to give him cuddle time,” Evans says, “and was told that my family cannot hold my son until I speak about removing the vent with the consultants and agree to something.”

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Pro-life group fights to get the truth out about abortion pill reversal

In 2007, an incredible medical advancement happened: Dr. Matthew Harrison saved the first preborn baby with abortion pill reversal. Several years later, in 2012, Dr. George Delgado and Dr. Mary Davenport published “Progesterone Use to Reverse the Effects of mifepristone” in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy, reporting a 66 percent survival rate in their first seven patients. Delgado then established the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, staffed 24/7 by nurses and medical professionals with a network of over 300 physicians around the world — a far cry from the technique’s humble beginnings.

Abortion pill reversal works to counteract RU-486, or medication abortions. A woman first takes mifepristone, which blocks progesterone from reaching the placenta. This causes the placenta to break down, essentially starving the baby of oxygen and nutrients. After 48 hours, if the abortion has not been completed — if the woman has not expelled the body of her dead baby — she then takes misoprostol, which induces labor, causing her to expel the placenta and the baby. After two weeks, she is supposed to return to the abortion facility to make sure that nothing remains of the baby in her uterus. In the video below, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains:

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European Court leaves Alfie Evans to die, rejects case as ‘inadmissible’

A three-judge panel of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), located in Strasbourg, France, ruled that Tom Evans and Kate James’ appeal to take their 22-month-old son, Alfie (pictured)  abroad for medical care was “inadmissible,” and that the child’s rights under the European Convention on Human Rights were not being violated, the BBC reported.

The panel also rejected the parents' request to block a High Court ruling allowing doctors to remove Alfie’s life support. Alder Hey Children's Hospital, where the baby is located in England, says the child has a “catastrophic and untreatable neurodegenerative condition” that would be “futile” to continue treating. Alfie’s parents have been fighting for the right to take him to Bambino Gesu Paediatric Hospital in Rome for further care.

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March 28, 2018

Media covers March for Our Lives 13x more than March for Life

Two different marches claim to voice America’s youth and boast youthful crowds – but that doesn’t mean they’re treated the same by the liberal media. In reaction to Saturday’s March for Our Lives, multiple conservative writers and commentators took to Twitter to call out the media for a discrepancy on coverage between the gun-control rally and the March for Life. They weren’t wrong: the broadcast networks covered the March for Our Lives 13 times more than the pro-life march, the night of each event. To give an idea how much ABC, CBS and NBC devoted to the latest protest, they also covered it 4 times more than the Women’s March.

During their Saturday news shows the evening of the March for Our Lives, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent nearly a half hour (28 minutes, 23 seconds) highlighting the event. For comparison, the same evening shows gave 2 minutes, 6 seconds to the March for Life, Jan. 19. And even newer marches, like the Women’s March, received 6 minutes, 43 seconds on Jan. 20.

But, according to National Review fellow Alexandra DeSanctis, a recurring march should be even more newsworthy.

Click here for more from Live Action News.

Planned Parenthood deletes “We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion” tweet after barrage of criticism

“We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion.”

No, I am not kidding, that is actually what Planned Parenthood Keystone [Pennsylvania] wrote today on its Twitter Feed.

It turns out that the tweet had been deleted within an hour. Apparently even Planned Parenthood, which specializes in outrageous commentary, figured out it had gone too far: “This propaganda was so disturbing that even many ‘pro-choice’ individuals left critical comments on the post,” Bilger wrote.

But I’m sure after a couple of days of quiet, the same clever folks at PP Keystone that gave us “We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion” will bring back its audience more tastelessness.

Why am I so sure? It’s what they do.

Click here for more from NRL News Today.

March 27, 2018

Abortion, LGBT groups join forces to quash Trump’s pro-life UN agenda

U.S. ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley
The world's top abortion and LGBT activist groups have joined forces to stop the Trump administration from implementing its international pro-life agenda at the UN women's conference in New York.  It remains to be seen whether the U.S. ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, will buckle under the intimidation at this conference, and in the future.

OutRight International and the Global Justice Center targeted Bethany Kozma and has circulated a petition calling for Kozma's removal, saying she referred to the U.S. as "a pro-life nation." They claim this is inconsistent with U.S. domestic law which allows for abortion on demand. Others have told the Friday Fax that the delegate said instead that the Trump administration is a "pro-life administration" which is true. The administration has taken a pro-life stance in its international relations, as evidenced by the reinstated and expanded Mexico City Policy which bars U.S. funding to foreign pro-abortion advocacy groups.

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VIDEO: Teen organizes nationwide school ‘walkout’ to protest abortion

A 17-year-old California student, Brandon Gillespie, is planning a pro-life “walkout” to take place at schools across the country next month in imitation of the recent ‘gun-violence’ protests.

The aim of the event is to witness to the millions of lives destroyed by abortion. The event will also test if there’s a double standard from school administration when it comes to allowing students to protest against destroyers of life and the tools they use.

Click here for more from Life Site News.