November 3, 2009

11,000 on Abortion Mandate Webcast Warned against Phony Compromises in Healthcare Bill

11,000 on Abortion Mandate Webcast Warned against Phony Compromises in Healthcare Bill

Over 11,000 pro-lifers tuned in last night to an emergency webcast by, where national pro-life leaders briefed listeners on the extent of the threat to human life posed by the House health care bill.

According to coordinator David Bereit, although news of the webcast went out only 13 hours before it began, 11,243 people joined in.  Speakers included Rep. Chris Smith, Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life, Kristen Day of Democrats for Life, Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America, Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee, Deirdre McQuade of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' pro-life secretariat, and Christian Medical and Dental Associations CEO Dr. David Stevens.

"You know as well as I, ladies and gentlemen, that killing human babies by abortion is not health care," said Congressman Smith of New Jersey, the chairman of the House's pro-life caucus.  The congressman noted that prohibiting federal funding of abortion has been the status quo "across the board," including for the Medicaid Program, the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, SCHIP, the Department of Defense, and even the Veterans Health Administration.

Smith warned that, included in the language of the "manager's amendment" that will be introduced to try to bridge divides in order to pass the bill, "will almost certainly be a new phony compromise that does nothing but put window dressing on the deadly abortion funding already in the bill."

The leaders once again made clear the bottom line regarding the 1,990-page bill's treatment of abortion funding.  The Capps amendment, proposed as a "compromise" measure in July by the radically pro-abortion Rep. Lois Capps, does three key things: it allows abortion-covering insurance plans to receive government subsidies, establishes a government-run insurance plan that must cover abortion, and requires all U.S. regions to offer at least one abortion-covering health plan.

"They are wanting to make it as complicated as possible," said Americans United for Life President and CEO Charmaine Yoest, "in order to obscure the fact that there is a very simple truth underneath it all: this is a huge expansion in abortion funding and coverage by the federal government, which changes the way that we've approached abortion policy in this country for the last 30 years."

Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak, whose efforts at a pro-life amendment have posed a significant threat to the bill's abortion expansion, earned praise from the webcast speakers.  Stupak has threatened to arrange like-minded Democrats to block passage of the bill's rule - which must be passed before the bill can be considered by the House - unless Democrat leadership allows a vote by the full House on a Hyde-like amendment for the measure.  Kristin Day, the president of Democrats for Life, called Stupak a "hero."

"Pelosi has made it very clear so far that she has no intention whatsoever of allowing a vote on the Stupak/Pitts amendment," said Rep. Smith, referring to the pro-life amendment.  "She wants to keep this issue quiet, and silence the pro-life members of congress who oppose government funding for abortion."

Douglas Johnson, the legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, focused on the public option and the "powerful legal formula" in the Capps amendment that protects the public option's coverage of abortion.  "Will the Obama administration use that sweeping authority if Congress provides it?  You bet they will," he said.  "And will they use federal funds to pay for those abortions?  Why, certainly they will.  Because the federal agency can spend nothing other than federal funds."

"The claim which has been disseminated by pro-abortion lawmakers and by some of their apologists in the media, that this federal program would pay for abortions but with private funds - although accepted and repeated with a straight face by some gullible journalists - is absurd on its face," he added.  "It's a political hoax."

The leaders noted that the pro-life lawmakers have a formidable opponent in House Speaker Pelosi, who, according to Rep. Smith, has "no intention whatsoever" of allowing the House an opportunity to vote on the pro-life amendment.   "Indeed, Speaker Pelosi believes that if the full House were allowed to vote on the Stupak/Pitts amendment, it would pass, and so she is determined not to allow that vote," noted Johnson.

Deirdre McQuade from the USCCB affirmed that the U.S bishops are "responding clearly and vigorously" to the health care bill.  The USCCB recently began an all-out campaign against the abortion-laden bill, and asked all American U.S. prelates to join the effort to stop the abortion mandate earlier this month.

Dr. David Stevens, CEO of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, said that the bill's conscience language protecting doctors objecting to abortion was weak, and liable to be scrapped when the House and Senate bills undergo a merging process.  "I don't think it's any time to relax or celebrate," Stevens said.

In addition, Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America noted President Obama's ambiguity on the abortion mandate.  Though claiming that he is personally opposed to federal funding for abortion, Wright reports that Obama "has been personally and aggressively lobbying members of Congress to vote for the current bills," all of which include such funding.

Ultimately, according to the speakers, the pro-life effort against the rules vote - due to occur either today or Wednesday - is the "do or die" moment.

"I believe we can and I believe we will win, but we have to out-think and outwork the abortionists as never before," said Smith.  "Clearly, this is the big one."

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Dominican Community Apologizes for Nun Caught Acting as Abortion Escort

Dominican Community Apologizes for Nun Caught Acting as Abortion Escort


HINSDALE, Illinois - A congregation of US Dominican nuns has publicly apologized for the scandal caused by one of its members acting as a volunteer escort at a Chicago area abortion facility. (LSN) first broke the story about Sr. Donna Quinn, O.P., a Dominican nun who is outspokenly in favor of legalized abortion, who had been identified by pro-life witnesses as an escort for the ACU Health Clinic.

Sr. Quinn's religious community, the Wisconsin-based Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation, admitted in a press release posted on their website that they were informed of the allegation several months ago, and, after having completed a period of investigation, the Congregation's leaders have informed the pro-abortion sister that "her actions are in violation of her profession as a Dominican religious."

The congregation reports that its leaders "are working with Sr. Donna to resolve the matter appropriately" and regret the public scandal caused by her actions.

The Sinsinawa Dominicans took the opportunity to re-affirm unequivocally their commitment to the Catholic Church's core teachings, as well as the necessity to witness to the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.

"We as Sinsinawa Dominican women are called to proclaim the Gospel through the ministry of preaching and teaching to participate in the building of a holy and just society," read a statement issued on behalf of the congregation.

"As Dominican religious, we fully support the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding the dignity and value of every human life from conception to natural death. We believe that abortion is an act of violence that destroys the life of the unborn. We do not engage in activity that witnesses to support of abortion."

Contact: Peter J. Smith
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Officers hush pro-life speech

Officers hush pro-life speech

Pro-lifers in Milwaukee want harassment to stop.

Mike Johnson, senior legal counsel for Alliance Defense Fund, tells OneNewsNow there has been a long pattern, lasting more than a decade now, of harassment by local officials towards pro-life advocates.
"We've had officers who have routinely bullied these citizens for just merely expressing their religious viewpoints on the sanctity of human life, and they've even been threatened with arrest, actually arrested and even prosecuted, although not successfully, merely for standing on public sidewalks while engaging in their pro-life free speech," Johnson reports.
The attorney contends that what the demonstrators are doing is definitely protected by the First Amendment.
pro-lifer being handcuffed"People who believe in the pro-life cause shouldn't be punished and discriminated against merely for expressing their beliefs," he says. "I mean, treating these peaceful demonstrators as criminals is a crime in itself, and not to mention a blatant violation and suppression of their free-speech rights."
In one case, three squad cars and seven police officers surrounded Alex and Ana Marie Doak, along with their four-month-old son, as the couple was passing out leaflets to women entering an abortion clinic. Ana Marie was threatened with arrest for child abuse and neglect, while officers cited Alex for disturbing the peace. A lawsuit has been filed in the matter.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Since April, 114 Children Have Died from H1N1 -- but 700,000 Have Died from Abortion

Since April, 114 Children Have Died from H1N1 -- but 700,000 Have Died from Abortion

Linda Wadsworth of the University of Maryland,
left, draws blood from Ethan Houley, 11, of
Annapolis, Md. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

The Swine flu has claimed the lives of at least 114 children in the United States since April, according to the latest data available from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But an estimated 2,247 to 3,305 babies lose their lives to abortion each day, based on statistics compiled by both the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute, a  private research foundation tied to the abortion industry.

A CDC report released last Friday placed the death toll from H1N1 at 114 for persons aged 18 or younger. The week of Oct. 18-24 saw 19 laboratory-confirmed pediatric deaths from H1N1. Since August, 65 children have died from the virus and 12 have died from an unkown subtype of Influenza A. Since April 26, only 1 child has died from seasonal flu.
Meanwhile, in a 2008 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC said that in 2005, the most recent year for which abortion data is available, 820,151 legal abortions were reported from 49 reporting areas. (Scroll down to p.1 of report -- link above -- for information).

According to Guttmacher data, which are considered more up-to-date and more accurate than federal government statistics, 3,305 babies on average lose their lives to abortion daily. In 2005, the number of abortions totaled 1,206,200 children, (see p. 9, Table 1).

Guttmacher spokeswoman Rebecca Wind told that her organization's data are more "complete" than the CDC's because, rather than relying on state self-reports, Guttmacher contacts abortion providers directly.

"Guttmacher conducts a census of all known abortion providers in the United States," Wind explained. "The CDC compiles data that are submitted by state departments of health and depend on state reporting requirements, which vary from state to state.  In 2005, California, Louisiana, and New Hampshire did not provide data to the CDC."

Moreover, the CDC does not factor in how many children die from the legal abortion-inducing drug mifepristone, also known as RU-486.
Based on the Guttmacher statistics, an estimated 694,050 children were killed by abortion over the last seven months -- not including deaths from abortion drugs taken privately, outside of clinics.

Brian Clowes, director of research at Human Life International, told that while it is "sad" that  that 114 children have died from the H1N1 virus since April, the contrast is overwhelming.
"Over that same seven months, over 700,000 pre-born human beings have been killed legally by abortion in the United States," Clowes said. "Yet we tolerate the death toll from abortion because we have come to believe, contrary to science and every mother's experience, that the unborn human being really isn't a human being."

Clowes added: "This staggering inconsistency hardly even shocks us anymore, as the latest 'pandemic' never even begins to reach the death toll that we have grown to tolerate from legalized abortion.  Ignoring the by-far-largest killer of children in favor of the latest fashionable panic goes beyond mere irony; it speaks of a deep societal sickness that we can hardly comprehend because it is so pervasive."

Contact: Karen Schuberg
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Father fights hospital, mother, to keep son on life support

Father fights hospital, mother, to keep son on life support

London, England - A man in Great Britain is fighting to keep his 12 month old son on life support, while the boy's mother and the hospital are arguing that his rare neuro-muscular condition does not leave him with a sufficient quality of life to warrant continued treatment.

If the high court rules in favor of the mother and hospital, it would be the first time that a U.K. court has ruled against the will of a parent and determined that life support can be removed from a child who does not have any brain damage.

The child, who is only known as "Baby RB," has been in the hospital since birth. He is currently on a ventilator, though his father argues that a tracheotomy would allow the child to breathe independently, and thus be cared for at home.

The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is planning on submitting videos to the court that demonstrate that Baby RB's brain is unaffected, as he can see, hear, feel, and recognize his parents. He is also able to play with some toys and and enjoy stories and music.

Anthony Fairweather, a lawyer for the child's mother, told Sky News that "RB's mother has sat by her son's bedside every day since he was born.  In her mind the intolerable suffering experienced by her son must outweigh her own personal grief should she lose her child." Doctors say that the child's quality of life is so poor that keeping him alive is not in his own best interest.

This is not the first time that the life of a child has been determined by the British courts, though a General Medical Council survey found that 80 percent of parents don't think that courts should be allowed to decide whether or not a child should be kept alive. A spokeswoman for The British Medical Association told The Guardian that though such cases are disturbing, they must be resolved in the courts when the parents and doctors don't agree on the best treatment for the child.

Source: CNA
Publish Date: November 2, 2009
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Sit-in Planned at Nancy Pelosi's Office, Thursday November 5th, at 2 PM

On Thursday, November 5, pro-life advocates from several states are coming to Washington DC to lobby members of Congress to vote "No" on the health care bill.  After lobbying, they will proceed to Nancy Pelosi's office to stage a sit-in.  They will crumple the entire health care bill one page at a time -- and leave the tattered bill on the floor.  When asked to leave, they will refuse.
Missy Smith states: "If need be, we are willing to be arrested to highlight the horrifying injustice of Nancy Pelosi funding the murder of the innocent under the guise of 'health care.'  Nancy Pelosi needs to hear loud and clear - WE WON'T PAY FOR MURDER!!"

For more information contact Missy Smith 202-288-4984
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Can Put Women At Increased Risk Of Mental Health Problems Says Study

Researchers in New Zealand who examined the medical history of over 500 women concluded abortion "leads to significant distress in some" and that those reporting adverse reactions were up to 80 per cent more likely to have mental health problems. The University of Otago study, reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found the risk of mental illness was "proportional to the degree of distress" associated with the abortion. Prof David Fergusson, of the department of Psychological Medicine, and his team, studied data from women who had been interviewed six times between the ages of 15 and 30, each time being asked whether they had been pregnant and, if so, what the outcome of that pregnancy had been.
Click here for the full article.

Alaska Personhood Amendment Launch

Alaska residents have launched a petition drive that could make the state the first in the nation to recognize human rights for all human beings. Personhood Alaska sponsor Christopher Kurka is coordinating the drive to get 30,000 Alaska voters to sign the petition before it appears on the ballot. The personhood movement seeks to recognize all human beings from the biological beginning of their development as persons and as such, entitled to equal protection under the law. Alaska is the eighth state to launch a campaign for a personhood amendment to the state constitution.
Click here for the full article.

Pro-life congress to attract more than 1,000 from around the world

Zaragoza, Spain - The fourth International Pro-life Congress will take place from November 6-8 in Zaragoza, Spain featuring speakers from 14 different countries including the U.S., Canada, Uganda, Cuba and France.  Organizers expect 1,000 participants to attend from Spain and around the world.

According to organizers, the Congress aims at both raising social awareness in support of women with unexpected pregnancies and defending the life of the unborn.  Speakers hail from various countries including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Uganda, Chile, Cuba, Argentina, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Sweden, Italy, France and Spain.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion clinic bubble zones deemed 'onerous'

The pro-life community has won a battle against buffer zones around abortion clinics.
At issue before the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was an ordinance in Pittsburgh severely restricting activities of pro-life counselors. Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) senior counsel David Cortman tells OneNewsNow the problem with the law was that it established a fixed, and then a floating buffer zone.
"So the fixed zone is a circle drawn 15 feet around the door where no pro-life advocate can enter. On top of that zone, as if it was not restrictive enough, they've also added [that] within 100 feet of every clinic in the city, you were not able to approach another person on a public sidewalk unless you get prior consent from the person," Cortman reports.
Click here for the full article.

November 2, 2009

Stop the Abortion Mandate Urgent Webcast


Abortion industry lobbyists and their allies in Congress are about to ram through mandated government funding of abortion in healthcare reform legislation THIS WEEK in the U.S. House of Representatives.

To respond swiftly to this crisis, the pro-life movement is unifying TONIGHT on a huge nationwide webcast -- and your attendance is crucial: 

WHAT: Stop the Abortion Mandate Urgent Webcast
DATE: TONIGHT, Monday, November 2
TIME: 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific

Just visit: or click here!

"This may be the last chance to block the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade…"

Join the URGENT nationwide webcast event this Monday, November 2, to prevent Washington D.C. bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists from forcing YOU to pay for abortions.

Just visit: or click here!

Concerned Women for America has seen into America's future and produced 9 clever automated phone calls we should anticipate if Obama and Congress succeed in railroading nationalized healthcare.

For example, as CWA wrote when introducing the following call, "Under Obamacare, abortion providers like Planned Parenthood could be the official government 'community provider' for clinics at or near schools."...

Click here for the video.

VIDEO: Are abortion proponents smarter than a 2nd-grader?

Josh Brahm's latest edition of Science Matters is not only hysterical and well done, it is also good ammo to keep in one's back pocket the next time a pro-abort claims the product of the union of human sperm and human egg is not a human...

Click here for the video.

Abortion funds leak into Indian Health Service

Abortion funds leak into Indian Health Service

The new 1,990-page healthcare bill not only authorizes federal funding for elective abortions, but it also allows abortion funding in the Indian Health Service.
House Democrats have attached to the back of their healthcare bill a measure to reauthorize the Indian Health Service.
Democrats have failed to move the Indian health bill for the past three years because there were votes in the Energy and Commerce Committee to add an amendment preventing the Indian Health Service from funding abortions. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) has refused to add the Hyde Amendment abortion funding ban to the overall healthcare bill.
Joy Yearout with the Susan B. Anthony List says Democratic leaders are doing everything they can to prevent a vote on federal funding of abortion.
"Congress has had difficulty passing this Indian healthcare bill for the last three years, mainly because of the abortion issue," explains Yearout. "Democrats in leadership haven't wanted to have a battle on the House floor about federal funding for abortion, so they've avoided it.  They were hoping no one would notice that they folded it into the healthcare bill."
Yearout says there are no protections in the healthcare bill for pro-life taxpayers.  She also notes that as the current legislation stands, government funds will be used to write checks for abortionists.

Contact: Jim Brown
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 2, 2009
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'Personhood' movement explodes in 32 states

'Personhood' movement explodes in 32 states

Pro-lifers: Wildfire effort could be death blow to abortion in Obamacare

A pro-life movement seeking to guarantee basic human rights to unborn babies is exploding in 32 states – and leaders say it could be just the key to nullifying abortion provisions in President Obama's health-care "reform."

While abortion was not specifically mentioned in earlier bills under consideration, H.R.3962, unveiled by Nancy Pelosi this week, does in fact state abortion is to be covered. Concerns are mounting that whatever the final form of the legislation, the procedure will become more accessible, requiring health insurance companies to fund abortions.

Gualberto Garcia Jones is director of Personhood Colorado and a legal analyst for Personhood USA, a grassroots Christian organization that seeks to legally define every unborn baby as a "person" protected by God-given and constitutionally protected rights, including the right to life. His organization was set up to support personhood efforts across America through legislation and constitutional amendments.

"We're trying to end abortion right now," Garcia Jones told WND. "All of our laws that we're promoting are direct challenges to Roe v. Wade. If we can get a challenge up to the Supreme Court, then that's the ideal thing. That's what we're trying to do."

The personhood approach within the pro-life movement was sparked by a statement in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that opened the doors for legal abortion in the U.S.

Justice Harry Blackmun wrote in the majority opinion for Roe v. Wade, "The appellee and certain amici [pro-lifers] argue that the fetus is a 'person' within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."

According to the movement, if every unborn baby is defined as a person, each baby will be legally guaranteed the same right to life as all Americans.

"We believe – and a lot of the justices on the Supreme Court agree with us – that there is no right to privacy that would allow abortion," Garcia Jones said. "Since it's not mentioned directly in the 14th Amendment, we could use the 10th Amendment and the states' rights to police themselves and to pass laws regulating morality and health and safety to regulate abortion so it's not permitted. Basically it would be treated the same way as a homicide, where a state can regulate how they punish it and how they try to prevent it, but they could never allow it."

He continued, "We believe respect for life is in the Constitution, so therefore a state could never say you can kill a person."

Garcia Jones said the personhood movement is a timely approach considering the widespread success of the tea party movement, the states' rights movement and voter frustration with what they consider overreaching policies by the federal government.

He said citizens in 32 states are now acting to find sponsors for personhood statutes or constitutional amendments to include them on 2010 ballots.

"It's taken off so much that we're having trouble keeping up with it," he said. "Colorado, Montana, Missouri, Mississippi and California are all in the process of getting signatures."

The Los Angeles Times reported Sept. 28 that while personhood measures failed in Montana and North Dakota legislatures earlier this year, "the close votes alarmed supporters of legal abortion."

According to WND columnist Jill Stanek, pro-life legislators in Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana and Texas have also signaled their intent to introduce personhood statutes.

Personhood USA co-founder Keith Mason told WND the personhood movement is one of the only things that could combat abortion in health-care reform legislation.

"The 24-hour waiting periods and parental consent laws fall short," he said. "Obama's making a lot of people mad, and it's a great way for us to ride this wave of social tension and backlash against Obama so we can get as much done for the pre-born child as we can. What's coming down the pike next is an abolition against all restrictions on abortion. This is a real fight."

Mason said the grassroots personhood movement is "exploding." As WND reported, a project inspired by a Zogby/O'Leary poll revealed 71 percent of Americans oppose allowing taxpayer-funded abortions in health-care reform legislation.

"Most of these efforts start with one or two people and grow into something bigger," he said. "As we press forward, I think this is going to grow, and we're seeing that happen."

The Personhood USA website lists states involved in the personhood movement and allows citizens to register with groups in their respective states.

Contact: Chelsea Schilling
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date: October 31, 2009
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Nitschke Brings His Suicide Classes to the USA

Nitschke Brings His Suicide Classes to the USA

Australia's suicide obsessed Philip Nitschke is bringing his how-to-kill-yourself class to the USA.  I have a piece about his planned San Francisco suicide lecture in today's San Francisco Chronicle. From the column:

Shouldn't there be limits to assisted-suicide permissiveness? Not according to Nitschke, who bluntly takes assisted-suicide advocacy to its logical conclusion. If we each own our bodies, he says, and if self-termination is an acceptable answer to human suffering, then assisted suicide shouldn't be restricted to limited "subgroups," such as the dying. Indeed, in 2001 interview with National Review Online, Nitschke asserted that "all people qualify … including the depressed, the elderly bereaved, the troubled teen."

Nitschke's advocacy has had real casualties:
In 2002, a woman named Nancy Crick caused a media frenzy in Australia after announcing publicly that she was being counseled by Nitschke because of terminal cancer. After months of equivocating, she finally killed herself in front of a group of awestruck euthanasia advocates, who reportedly applauded when she took the drugs (Nitschke was not present). When the autopsy showed that she was not terminally ill, Nitschke admitted that he and Crick knew it all along. However, rather than apologize, he argued that her nonterminal condition was "irrelevant" because she was "hopelessly ill" with a painful digestive problem.

Some claim that Nitschke is fringe.  He's not:
Other assisted-suicide advocates will say that Nitschke's activities illustrate why assisted suicide should be legally regulated. But why would that stop him from "counseling" people who would not qualify for assisted suicide under such a law? More important, if society comes to broadly accept a "right" of the dying to receive assisted suicide – currently legal in three states – what would prevent legal access to terminal prescriptions from expanding eventually to people with serious disabilities and chronic diseases, the elderly and the existentially despairing, who, after all, might suffer far more profoundly and for a longer time? And indeed, that is precisely what has happened in the Netherlands and Switzerland, after assisted suicide became popularly accepted.

Nitschke appears to be on the radical edge of the assisted suicide movement – but he's really not. Should assisted-suicide mentality sink into the bedrock of American culture, the question will not be whether its practice will expand to accommodate Nitschke's dark vision, but rather, how long that process will take.

Assisted suicide advocacy is often well meaning. But it is profoundly destructive. Over time, as has happened in the Netherlands, it turns abandonment into a virtue and promotes the idea of a life not worth living. That is an especially dangerous notion in these days of Obamacare, where the drive to cut costs could promote self elimination over life-extending care–as it already has in Oregon in the Barbara Wagner/Randy Stroup cases.

Contact: Wesley J. Smith
Source: Secondhand Smoke
Publish Date: November 2, 2009
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Move over, KKK

Move over, KKK

Back in February, Eric Holder – the country's first black Attorney General – announced that we were a nation of cowards because, "we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough to each other about race."  Holder is right.
That there are still organizations operating in this country that demonize, target, and victimize innocent people simply because of the color of their skin is unconscionable.  That there are still hate groups in our midst whose very foundation is rooted in a malevolent contempt for minorities is disgusting.  That, while we stand quietly, there are those working daily inside this country to commit genocide against blacks is an abomination.  And worse, still others go beyond complicit silence and actually attempt to give legitimacy and offer defense for such institutions perpetrating these atrocities.
These devastating realities only prove Holder's assertion to be accurate.  It is long as Planned Parenthood continues to operate in this country, we are a nation of cowards.
In her book The Pivot of Civilization, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger wrote that unless something was done to stop them, those living in the slums (blacks, Hispanics, and Jews) would eventually leave the boundaries of their neighborhoods and mix with the better parts of society (whites).  Their inferior genes, she argued, would then infect the rest of us.  Therefore, she suggested we cease all charitable giving to the inner-city poor, segregate these "morons, misfits, and maladjusted," sterilize these "genetically inferior races," and begin a process of eliminating such "human weeds."
And her organization, Planned Parenthood, has done just that.  In the 1980s, the organization began intentionally targeting black inner-city neighborhoods for their clinics.  Author George Grant pointed out that, "of the more than 100 school-based clinics that have opened nationwide in the [1980s]...all have been at black, minority, or ethnic schools."  By 1991, Planned Parenthood was reporting that 43 percent of all its abortions were performed on minorities – a time when the minorities accounted for only 19 percent of the total population.  And in a comparative analysis between the 2000 U.S. Census data and the location of Planned Parenthood clinics, Cybercast News Service concluded, "The results appear to bolster the charge that the organization targets black communities."
Consider also a recent sting operation conducted by The Advocate, a student magazine at UCLA.  In the sting, an actor posed as a potential donor to Planned Parenthood wanting to contribute his money to help "lower the number of black people."  In the seven states where the sting took place, each clinic agreed to take the racially earmarked contribution, with none of them expressing concern over the motivation.  In one exchange, the actor said, "the less black kids out there, the better."  The Planned Parenthood director responded by saying such sentiments were "understandable."
Combine those grim realities and you begin to see that Planned Parenthood is doing its part to carry on the eugenic and racist policies of its founder.  But don't take my word for it.  Alan Guttmacher, who led Planned Parenthood for 12 years, stated, "We are merely walking down the path that Ms. Sanger has carved out for us."  And recent Planned Parenthood President Faye Wattleton stated she was "proud" to be "walking in the footsteps" of Sanger.  When you consider that Wattleton is black, it is difficult to know whether to be outraged or just cry at such a statement.
As a leftist himself – whose boss got elected to the White House thanks in no small part to contributions from Planned Parenthood and its allies – I recognize that Eric Holder certainly wasn't calling for an open discussion about the abortion mills' racial genocide.  This only proves that while preaching against racial cowardice, Holder is ignoring his own.  You simply can't be taken seriously when discussing America's racism problems if you are willing to ignore the greatest perpetrators of racial injustice in our midst.
Talk to me all you want about Rush Limbaugh and his comments regarding Donovan McNabb.  If you are not simultaneously sickened by the revolting racism of Planned Parenthood...if you are not demanding that immediate action be taken against it and the evil it encourages...if you are not ashamed that such a group continues to operate with a third of its budget financed with your tax are a coward with absolutely no credibility to ever be taken seriously on this issue.
And worse, you are a willful accomplice to the racist violence of a group that, as Dr. Alveda King (the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) points out, "has done what the Klan only dreamed of."

Contact: Peter Heck
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 2, 2009
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Planned Parenthood Missouri Attempts to Shut Down Personhood by Lawsuit Against State of Missouri

Planned Parenthood Missouri Attempts to Shut Down Personhood by Lawsuit Against State of Missouri

ST. LOUIS, MO -- Planned Parenthood sued the State of Missouri this week to challenge two pro-life ballot initiatives, in an apparent effort to stifle the people's constitutional right to the ballot process.

One of the ballot initiatives, submitted by Personhood Missouri, states, "Section 35, Person defined. As used in sections 2, 10, and 14 of Article I of the state constitution, the term "person" shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being."

The personhood amendment, along with another pro-life initiative, were both approved by Secretary of State Democrat Robin Carnahan on October 20th. An amendment much like this one was introduced in Colorado and found to be a single-subject issue, approved by the Colorado State Supreme Court. The Planned Parenthood lawsuit claims that the Missouri personhood amendment did not warn voters of the legal and constitutional fallout if the ballot measure passes.

"The legal and constitutional 'fallout' of a Missouri Personhood amendment, is that all humans in the state of Missouri have human rights," stated Keith Mason, of Personhood USA. "All humans are people, and must be protected."

According to the law, it is not required or necessary for ballot initiative proposers to outline every possible legal scenario if an amendment is passed.

"Our amendment is easy to understand, and simply protects all humans from their biological beginning," stated Dr. Gregory Thompson, initiative sponsor. "The Planned Parenthood lawsuit was quoted in several newspapers as incorrectly using the term, 'fertilized egg'. In fact, at the moment of biological beginning, the newly formed human being is not an egg at all, but a unique individual person."

This lawsuit will cost taxpayers additional funds and use valuable government resources, pointed out Dr. Thompson. He continued to say, "The very organization that uses tax dollars to cause the deaths of millions of innocent human beings and many mothers, along with years of physical, mental, and spiritual pain, is now using government resources again to keep this issue from going to the voters."

"The motivation of Planned Parenthood is highly suspect. This lawsuit addresses a concern about loss of funds, yet Planned Parenthood reportedly brought in over 10 million dollars in 2008 in Missouri alone, and over a billion dollars nationwide," continued Mason. "This is clearly an act of desperation by a billion dollar industry, seeking to keep the issue of Personhood away from the people of Missouri."

Contact: Dr. Gregory Thompson, Keith Mason
Source:  Personhood Missouri, Personhood USA
Publish Date: October 30, 2009
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Planned Parenthood Leader Changes Sides

Planned Parenthood Leader Changes Sides

There have been interesting polling, occasionally reported here, about how the country seems to be moving in a pro life direction, with the Gallup Poll now showing a majority opposing abortion.  One reason seems to be that improved imaging techniques have verified the humanity of gestating life.  That is sure what happened with Abby Johnson, who quit her position as head of a local Planned Parenthood chapter, and indeed, now works with pro lifers to help persuade women to make the choice of giving birth. From the story:

Planned Parenthood has been a part of Abby Johnson's life for the past eight years; that is until last month, when Abby resigned. Johnson said she realized she wanted to leave, after watching an ultrasound of an abortion procedure. "I just thought I can't do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that's it," said Jonhson.

She handed in her resignation October 6. Johnson worked as the Bryan Planned Parenthood Director for two years. According to Johnson, the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it's business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion. "It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing any more because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that," said Johnson.

If Johnson's charge is true about being told to intentionally push abortion for financial reasons, Planned Parenthood cannot credibly claim to be a dispassionate family planning/women empowering organization.  Rather, it has an agenda that is both ideological and financially motivated.  Since PP receives millions in taxpayer dollars, I think Johnson's charge should be investigated.

Contact: Wesley J. Smith
Source: Secondhand Smoke
Publish Date: November 2, 2009
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House Healthcare Bill Rewards Activism on Women's Issues

Women may seem to be the driving force of health reform, given all the attention recently paid to gender disparities in insurance premiums. In fact, the massive health reform bill unveiled by the House of Representatives yesterday contains several sections that pertain just to women in terms of abortion coverage, pregnancy services, and prohibitions against excluding those with pre-existing conditions, specifically mentioning women who've been victims of domestic violence. While the bill does provide maternity coverage as part of a basic benefits package that insurers must provide in their coverage, it specifically says that public funding can't be used for abortions--which would include coverage under the public option--except where it's already allowed, such as in cases of rape or incest or where a mother's life is at risk.
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Student President Faces Removal after Allowing Pro-Life Display

Sacramento, California - A Christian student government president in California is facing a recall amidst anger from some administration and students after the student government permitted a pro-life demonstration during the college's annual Constitution Day celebrations.

Constitution Day at Sacramento City College, which took place this year on September 16-17, is an annual celebration of the Constitution and free speech, which features external speakers and organizations who request an invitation from the Associated Student Government (ASG).

ASG president Steve Macias, 19, and student affairs commissioner Monica Guzman now risk losing their positions in a recall vote after the ASG welcomed the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP).
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Pro-Life Bioethicist Honored

Dr. Leon Kass is the winner of the 2010 Paul Ramsey Award for excellence in bioethics.

Kass served as chairman of President Bush's Council on Bioethics from 2001-05.

The Center for Bioethics and Culture, which presents the award each year, said Kass has defended the dignity of human life while advancing ethical biotechnology.
Click here for the full article.

Bill Would Require Baltimore Crisis Pregnancy Centers To Post Signs Saying They Do Not Offer Abortion

Legislation (FID 09-0406) before the Baltimore City Council that would require crisis pregnancy centers to post signs stating that they do not provide abortion services prompted a "contentious" debate at a hearing on Wednesday, the Baltimore Sun reports. City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D), who introduced the bill, said it is "about truth in advertising."

According to the Sun, the bill would affect at least four crisis pregnancy centers, which offer adoption information and counseling but do not provide abortion services or dispense contraception. Two of centers are funded by the Roman Catholic Church. Carol Clews, director of one of the centers, showed the city council a release form and a statement of care that the facility displays. Clews said, "We already inform our clients in a variety of ways about the services we perform."
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Killing for Organs: Should We Harvest Those Wanting Euthanasia or Due to Receive Capital Punishment?

I have been warning that the drive has been renewed to expand the number of organ donors by opening the door to killing for organs, in this column about.  Now, another article in the journal Bioethics, by Christian Coons and Noah Levin, add new targets to the list of potential (killed-for-organs) donors–people who want assisted suicide and prisoners due to receive capital punishment.

First, they claim that the Dead Donor Rule (DDR)–that prohibits killing for organs–is untenable and should be rejected.  They go into a lot of detail about the reasons, but that, I think, is too arcane to deal with here.  Then they argue that if someone is going to die inevitably anyway, why not take their organs even though it causes death.  They illustrate their point with a silly mind game. From the article (link to Abstract)
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Sedation with Dehydration used as "Slow Euthanasia" UK Survey Reveals

"Slow euthanasia by deep sedation" is a current reality in the British health care system, and not just a journalistic myth, a survey of UK doctors has revealed. The study found that continuous deep sedation (CDS) was more frequently requested by patients or relatives seeking a "hastened death" and was associated "with a greater incidence of other end-of-life decisions containing some intent to end life by the doctor".

Under existing medical care protocols in the UK, patients who are designated as dying, can have food and hydration withdrawn until they die of dehydration, even when continued hydration can still be of medical benefit.

"Doctors supporting legalization of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide, or who were nonreligious, were more likely to report using CDS," the researchers found.
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October 30, 2009

ACLU Works to Kill Family Rights in Illinois

ACLU Works to Kill Family Rights in Illinois

Chicago-Based Thomas More Society Intervenes to Defend Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act

CHICAGO -- Today, the Thomas More Society filed a petition to intervene, on behalf of three Illinois state's attorneys, in Cook County Circuit Court to defend the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) recently brought suit in Illinois state court to enjoin or block the Act, after the ACLU lost its bid in federal court earlier this year to stop the Act from going into effect.

State's Attorneys Stewart Umholtz of Tazewell County, Edward Deters of Effingham County, and Raymond Cavanaugh of Henderson County are seeking to intervene in order to have the case dismissed. The petition is expected to be heard at 2:00 p.m., Monday, November 2, 2009, along with the ACLU's motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction against the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Thomas More Society attorneys will be available for comment after the hearing.

"At some point, the ACLU will realize that Illinois law, just like the law in 36 other states, provides parents the right to know before their underage daughters are taken for abortions," said Peter Breen, Executive Director & Legal Counsel for the Society. "Until that time, we will defend against the ACLU's continued attempts to thwart the will of Illinois voters, the large majority of whom support parental notice before an abortion."

The suit brought in Illinois court by the ACLU did not name Illinois state's attorneys, as had been done in the earlier federal case. The Thomas More Society's filing asserts that the ACLU's case is barred because of the earlier loss in the federal courts. The Society also asserts that the Illinois Constitution of 1970 did not include a right to abortion, based on the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention. Also, abortion remained illegal in Illinois, under almost all circumstances, after the 1970 Illinois Constitution went into effect and up until the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, which was based only on the U.S. Constitution.

Contact: Peter Breen
Source: Thomas More Society
Publish Date: October 29, 2009
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Planned Parenthood: 'Expect to have STD'

Planned Parenthood: 'Expect to have STD'

Doctor divulges details on sex life, tells Americans, 'All of us get HPV'

Planned Parenthood has announced a new message to sexually active Americans: Expect to have the human papillomavirus, or HPV, sexually transmitted disease because "all of us get it."

Planned Parenthood Federation of America's vice president for medical affairs, Vanessa Cullins, M.D., aired the following advertisement on YouTube, in which she urges viewers to "become more explicit and more concrete in talking about sex."

Click here for the video.

The video is titled "Let's Talk about Sex." She introduces herself as an obstetrician/gynecologist who is "a sexually active individual."

"Conversation is going to be necessary whether you're thinking this is a relationship going to end up in marriage or one that's going to end up as a one-night stand," she said. "In terms of sexually transmitted diseases, expect to have HPV once you become sexually intimate.

"All of us get it."

Cullins warns about the risks of contracting chlamydia and declares, "My best advice for staying healthy is to admit that you're a sexually active individual – like most of us – and that you're going to have sex and that you need to take precautions in order to stay healthy."

American Life League's Judy Brown blasted the Planned Parenthood video, saying, "Any adult female such as Cullins who can, with a straight face, expound on the virtues of promiscuity is contributing to corruption in more ways than one."

Brown said Cullins implies that individuals who choose not to be sexually active are not "like most of us."

"Cullins' implication … rings true among not only young people but far too many young parents, many of whom are single parents, and even among married couples who have bought into the lies inherent in the prevailing contraceptive mentality," she said in a statement. "It is a sad testimony to the times in which we live, but all too true. If we bury our heads in the sand and pretend that such grossly misguided attitudes and distorted theories about human sexuality are normal, then we too are part of the problem."

Contact: Chelsea Schilling
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date: October 30, 2009
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Pro-life group calls for boycott of cosmetics company using aborted fetal cells

Pro-life group calls for boycott of cosmetics company using aborted fetal cells

The organization Children of God for Life released a statement on Tuesday blasting the pharmaceutical company Neocutis for using cells harvested from an aborted fetus in the development of anti-aging creams. The pro-life group is calling for a boycott of the company's products.

Debi Vinnedge, the executive director of Children of God for Life, lambasted the company for their disregard for life, saying, "It is absolutely deplorable that Neocutis would resort to exploiting the remains of a deliberately slaughtered baby for nothing other than pure vanity and financial gain. There is simply no moral justification for this."

The "Processed Skin Proteins" (PSPs) being used in Neocutis' burn and wound treatments were taken from a electively-aborted 14-week-old male fetus donated by the University Hospital of Lausanne in Switzerland.
The baby boy's cells were used to create a working cell bank by multiplying them in lab cultures until they numbered in the hundreds of millions.

According to information available about the process on the Neocutis website, "the skin sample was taken at the period of scarless wound healing in compliance with legal and ethical rules of the University Hospital of Lausanne (Switzerland)."

In a medical paper published by the same hospital in 2006, researchers supported the employment of fetal cells in the establishment of cell banks after observing that "fetal cells have the capacity of extraordinary expansion," where "from one organ donation it is possible to produce several hundred million fetal skin constructs."

The paper further explains that fetal cells "are very resistant against physical and oxidative stress when compared to adult skin cells under the same culture conditions," which makes them a good source for exploitation and a replacement for other, albeit less controversial, means of producing PSPs.

This fetal cell bank was "originally established for wound healing and burn treatments," the hospital said.

However, an additional destination for these fetal cells has been the development of anti-aging cosmetic creams.

"There is absolutely no reason to use aborted babies for such selfish motives," Vinnedge stated.  "It is anti-life, anti-woman and counter-productive as Neocutis is about to find out!"

Vinnedge warned that there would be repercussions for Neocutis, "We know there are companies using moral sources for collagen and skin proteins.  We intend to publicly promote these other cosmetic companies competing with Neocutis that are willing to step forward and contact us."  She pledged that competing companies willing to verify in writing that their products are "morally produced" would gain the Children of God for Life´s endorsement.

She also invited immediate response from individual clients, imploring "women who are using Neocutis products to throw them in the garbage and to contact the company to express their concerns."

CNA was unable to reach anyone at Neocutis for comment on their use of fetal cells.

Source: CNA
Publish Date: October 29, 2009
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Pro-Life Activists to Lie Down on Pennsylvania Ave, in Front of the White House, to Form a Large Number 71

Pro-Life Activists to Lie Down on Pennsylvania Ave, in Front of the White House, to Form a Large Number 71

The 71 represents the percentage of Americans who oppose taxpayer funded abortions in healthcare according to national polls.
The activists will be in front of the White House on Saturday, October 31, at 12:00 P.M.
This prophetic public witness for life is part of a national campaign called "Abortion is Not Healthcare."
For the past several months, the pro-life community has held a series of rallies, prayer vigils, demonstrations and lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. and across the nation to speak out against taxpayer funded abortions being a part of healthcare reform.
A part of "Abortion is Not Healthcare" is a virtual campaign called
Last month, activists displayed a huge 140 ft. 71 (shown in the image accompaning this release) on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and one of the organizers of "Abortion is Not Healthcare" states,
"This Saturday we are coming to the front of the White House to call upon President Obama to affirm human rights and ensure that taxpayer funds are not used to pay for or subsidize abortion.  Healthcare should focus on healing, compassion and mercy not the killing of innocent children and the diminishing of women.
"As we lay our lives down on the street in front of the White House, we are first reminding the President to listen to the wisdom of the American people who overwhelmingly oppose public monies being used to pay for abortions in healthcare.
"We are also being a prophetic witness that as people of faith we are willing to lay down our lives to embrace the heart of Christ and social justice and passionately work to ensure that all human life is honored and protected.
"We will not be silent.
"We will not be indifferent.
"We will sacrifice to end abortion."

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney
Source: Iam71
Publish Date: October 20, 2009
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43 Democrats Will Vote against Health Care Bill Unless Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Language Is Removed, Group Says

43 Democrats Will Vote against Health Care Bill Unless Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Language Is Removed, Group Says

Rep. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., holds a copy of the
House health care bill as he talks about health
care, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009, during a news
conference on Capitol Hill in Washington.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

More than 40 House members have agreed to vote against the health care reform bill if language is included that allows taxpayer-funded abortion, a pro-life group said Thursday.
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) "has been working very hard to get commitments, and we have been working with him to get commitments from pro-life Democrats that will oppose the rule if he is not allowed to offer his amendment or his language is not included," Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, told
"So at last count, we have … commitments from about 43 members who said they would support Stupak and basically bring down the health care bill unless his amendment is offered," Day said.
She said Stupak's amendment would "apply to the Hyde language to health care, which is consistent with long-standing public policy for over 30 years that no federal funding was used for abortion."
As reported earlier, President Barack Obama told Stupak that when Obama said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that "under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions," the president was referring to Obama's plan, which has never been written, not the House bill.
Stupak's stance against taxpayer-funded abortion in the health care bill has prompted NARAL Pro-Choice America to produce a video attacking him, according to
"I'll be honest -- we all expected a fight from the usual anti-choice agitators on health-care reform," NARAL President Nancy Keenan reportedly told pro-abortion activists. "We expected it from Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), the Family Research Council, and the American Life League."
"Stupak is ready to jeopardize the entire health-care reform bill to stand between women and their doctors," Keenan said. "He's willing to undermine health-care reform -- blocking the landmark bill from even coming to a vote -- in order to impose an abortion ban on women in the reformed health system. His proposal would take away coverage from women who already have it," she says, even though the latter claim is not the case.
"We've made it through five congressional committees, but if we can't beat Rep. Stupak's sneaky road block on the House floor, it will all be for nothing," Keenan added. "I can't overstate the consequences of what anti-choice Rep. Stupak is trying to pull. We must win this one."

Abortion 'not a conservative issue'
NARAL is making abortion a partisan issue even though it isn't, Day said.
"That's the thing about the abortion issue. It should not be a partisan issue, and … people always ask me 'how can you be a Democrat, because the Democrat is the party of abortion,' and we have here 43 Democrats who are standing up and saying 'no, we don't want public funding of abortion,'" Day said.
She said polls have shown that a majority of Americans oppose public funding of abortion, "so Stupak is really representing the views of the nation on this."
"So in a way, I think, 'Great, bring it on NARAL.' This proves that this is not a partisan issue. It's not a conservative issue. It's an issue that I think the Democratic Party should be leading on," she said.
"Our long-standing historical mission has been to protect the vulnerable and the weak and the disenfranchised, and we should be leading on this issue. So, I just think what Stupak is doing is very admirable, and I hope more Democrats stand up and support him," Day added.
The next issue that Democrats for Life of America plans to tackle after the health care bill is done, is the Pregnant Women Support Act, which Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.) introduced in the House and Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) introduced in the Senate.
The Pregnant Women Support Act, is a product of DFLA's 95-10 Initiative, a proposal of 15 different policy programs that when fully funded and implemented would have the goal of reducing the number of abortions by 95 percent over the next 10 years.
The goal of the Pregnant Women Support Act is to reduce the need for abortion, help women bear healthy children and support new parents.
Under the measure, adoption tax credits would be made permanent; parenting education would be provided in maternity group homes; child care would be provided to low-income and student parents; and accurate data collection on abortion would be funded.
The act would also ensure that pregnant women are not denied coverage by insurance companies. It would provide new mothers with free in-home visits by registered nurses and establish a toll-free number for resources during pregnancy and post-partum.
DFLA is "trying to take the politics out of abortion and really find common ground," Day said. "You see what happens with the health care bill when politics gets involved."
"It makes it very heated, and what we did with the Pregnant Women Support Act is we have bipartisan support for the bill with Republican, Democrat, pro-life and pro-choice," she said.
"So we really feel like we put together a common ground proposal that will reduce the abortion rate in this country, and it's something that people on all sides of this issue and both sides of the aisle can support," Day said.
"So we're hoping after this health care reform bill is done, when we take up abortion, the Pregnant Women Support Act will be the lead bill and we can get past the partisanship and really work to do what's best for pregnant women in this country and their families by supporting them and showing them that abortion is not the only choice," Day added.

Contact: Melanie Hunter-Omar
Publish Date: October 30, 2009
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