September 19, 2019

Daleiden Testified he Filed Murder Charges Against Planned Parenthood

David Daleiden
On Sep. 18th, David Daleiden testified in court that he filed criminal charges against Planned Parenthood and several fetal tissue harvesting companies before releasing videos of undercover conversations with abortionists. Daleiden is facing charges for illegally recording supposedly confidential conversations, but California law states that in cases where one has a reasonable belief that they are investigating violent crimes privacy law cannot be applied. Testimony about these charges and conversations with police were meant to show Daleiden's state of mind during his investigation. Judge Hite, however, ruled it inadmissible.

Judge Hite stated that because Daleiden did not file his report with the El Dorado Attorney General until after he recorded the videos, it was irrelevant to the charges he is facing. Meetings that Daleiden had with El Dorado law enforcement officers during his investigation were not ruled out, however. Read more about Daleden's testimony from that day here.