According to Operation Rescue and the Pro-Life Action League, a 911 call was placed for a woman who had undergone a surgical abortion at the Family Planning Associates facility in Chicago. Operation Rescue obtained audio of the 911 call.“The patient had an outpatient surgical procedure today which was uneventful,” a physician’s assistant said. “But after surgery, she started to become hypertensive and tachycardic. She’s not responsive to fluid boluses. She’s responsive, her vitals are stable now that they’re down a little bit. She can get up and walk to the bathroom, so she’s stable but she needs to go to the hospital.” Click here for more.
June 17, 2019
VIDEO: Abortion botched in Chicago, the same day Illinois law passed
A post-abortive woman at a facility in Chicago was rushed to the hospital last week after suffering from what seems like symptoms of a hemorrhage.
According to Operation Rescue and the Pro-Life Action League, a 911 call was placed for a woman who had undergone a surgical abortion at the Family Planning Associates facility in Chicago. Operation Rescue obtained audio of the 911 call.“The patient had an outpatient surgical procedure today which was uneventful,” a physician’s assistant said. “But after surgery, she started to become hypertensive and tachycardic. She’s not responsive to fluid boluses. She’s responsive, her vitals are stable now that they’re down a little bit. She can get up and walk to the bathroom, so she’s stable but she needs to go to the hospital.” Click here for more.
According to Operation Rescue and the Pro-Life Action League, a 911 call was placed for a woman who had undergone a surgical abortion at the Family Planning Associates facility in Chicago. Operation Rescue obtained audio of the 911 call.“The patient had an outpatient surgical procedure today which was uneventful,” a physician’s assistant said. “But after surgery, she started to become hypertensive and tachycardic. She’s not responsive to fluid boluses. She’s responsive, her vitals are stable now that they’re down a little bit. She can get up and walk to the bathroom, so she’s stable but she needs to go to the hospital.” Click here for more.