June 17, 2019

Sick: Proceeds from Selena Gomez’s ‘1973’ necklace support late-term abortion

Sick: Proceeds from Selena Gomez’s ‘1973’ necklace support late-term abortion
Singer Selena Gomez hasn’t exactly been quiet about her love for abortion, but now she is donning a necklace that directly supports late-term abortion along with some of the country’s most notorious abortionists. Gomez’s “1973” necklace is a nod to Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States based on the notion that preborn human beings, like slaves were to slave owners, are not persons.

But the necklace isn’t just a symbol of Gomez’s love of abortion; it’s a call to action for her fans to follow suit and financially support a major organization of abortionists to the tune of $380 a necklace. The necklace was created by Sophie Ratner Jewelry, which is donating 30 percent of the proceeds to the Physicians for Reproductive Health, a group closely aligned with controversial abortionists.  Click here for more.