June 12, 2019

Time magazine Promotes Hotel Offer of Free Lodging for Women Getting Abortions

Time magazine Promotes Hotel Offer of Free Lodging for Women Getting Abortions
The dinosaur publication Time magazine, which you may have forgotten still existed (or you only see at the dentist now), still pumps out liberal spin and reporting from a left-leaning perspective.

The latest example of that trend is an article published in the Sunday, June 9 edition that focused on a small hotel in Michigan offering pregnant women free stays and no-cost transportation from states that have “severe restrictions” on abortion.

In an item written by Alejandro de la Garza, the Time reporter stated:

In May, Shelly O’Brian wrote in a Facebook post that her small-town, 100-year-old hotel located in Yale, Mich., would offer lodging to women coming from other states with more severe restrictions in order to have an abortion.

She had no idea of the enormous response that the single post would garner, both in anger from those who opposed her initiative and support from those heartened by her action. Click here for more