Milano is also sure to tell women who might be interested in sharing their abortion stories that they can remain anonymous. But remaining anonymous would mean that shouting your abortion isn’t something that women want to do. The fact is that abortion is the taking of a life — your own child’s life. Even if women are acting as if they are proud, at some point – at some moment in time, there is the possibility that they will regret their abortion. If and when that happens, it won’t be the abortion advocates like Milano there to help them pick up the pieces. It will be pro-lifers and programs like Rachel’s Vineyard, which help women heal after the trauma of abortion whether that trauma surfaces on day one or day 2,000. Without pro-lifers, post-abortive women suffering from the devasting effects of abortion would have no place to go. Pro-abortion women like Milano and the organizations that push abortion will simply ignore them, writing them off as collateral damage of a “right” that they seek to protect at all costs.
If you are struggling with a past abortion, please reach out to Rachel’s Vineyard or Silent No More Awareness.