December 3, 2018

Samsung app comforts premature babies by playing their mother’s heartbeat

Samsung app comforts premature babies by playing their mother’s heartbeat

Prematurity can be difficult for babies and mothers alike, but new technology is helping to make it a more positive experience. An app created by Samsung helps to comfort premature babies in incubators by allowing their mothers to record the sound of their heartbeats and voices. The app then removes the high frequencies from the audio, to make it sound similar to how it did inside the womb, and is played on a speaker by the baby’s side.

Samsung notes that 15 million babies were born premature last year, unable to be nurtured by their mothers, who carried them in their own bodies for so long. The NICU environment, though lifesaving, can be stressful for babies, and that stress can lead to changes in the brain’s structure and function. This leaves them at higher risk for language and attention deficits.

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