If you ever had any doubts about how closely tied Planned Parenthood is to abortion, doubt no longer. The organization has just launched a six-figure ad campaign against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, whom Planned Parenthood calls “unfit to serve a lifetime on our highest court.” Why? Because Planned Parenthood believes Kavanaugh is would be a potential vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion-on-demand, overruling all state laws protecting preborn children at that time. What Planned Parenthood isn’t saying, however, is that overturning Roe would not make abortion instantly illegal; it would instead most likely place abortion laws back in the hands of individual states to decide for themselves, just as they did prior to Roe. But the abortion giant isn’t against Kavanaugh because it cares so much about women. (It doesn’t.) It’s against him because overturning Roe would threaten the organization’s very profitable abortion business.
The Washington Times notes that Planned Parenthood’s new ad campaign, #DearSenators, “encourages voters to share their personal abortion stories and to urge their congressmen to block Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation….” Kavanaugh currently serves on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, and is considered a Constitutional originalist.
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