July 25, 2018

Planned Parenthood yanks sex-promoting, F-bomb loaded fundraising campaign

WARNING: article and links contain explicit language not suitable for children

Planned Parenthood yanks sex-promoting, F-bomb loaded fundraising campaign
Planned Parenthood of New York City has deleted an obscenity-filled video and website soliciting donations for the express purpose of upholding the “freedom” to have sex with “New York and everyone in it.”

As LifeSiteNews reported earlier this month, the video features various people declaring “F***” everyone from “New Yorkers who love to complain” to “anyone who can afford their rent” to dancers and brokers. While the 45-second video initially appears to be using the F-bomb as a generic insult, by the end it’s clear that the word is actually being used as a verb.

Click here for the original video. (WARNING: IT CONTAINS PROFANITY)

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