July 12, 2018
Oprah’s Magazine Encourages Women to Shout Their Abortions
O magazine, the publication published by media mogul Oprah Winfrey, contains a jarring image in its latest edition. It shows a woman with a t-shirt that encourages women to “shout” their abortions.
Pro-abortion stories by the media are nothing new. But the boldness and insensitivity shown by this article are especially troubling.
Women across the country testify that they have been greatly harmed by abortion and its aftermath.
Consider the courageous women who have submitted their testimonies to the organization known as the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.
These brave women, and countless others like them, are not shouting their abortions. They are crying out in pain. Let’s respect these women by listening to them and reaching out to them in love. In this way, their wounds can heal, and they can truly be silent no more.
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