June 25, 2018

Judge’s ruling against ‘Red Rose Rescue’ activists at abortion facility ‘troubling’

A group of pro-life activists in Michigan who entered a West Bloomfield Township abortion facility last year in what is known as a “Red Rose Rescue” have been given a sentence in the trespass case which some are calling extremely harsh. The activists have been ordered not to come within 500 feet of any abortion facility in the entire nation, and to not have contact with one another for a period of one year — something their attorney claims was only handed down because this case centers around abortion. He says this infringes on their free speech rights.

The activists’ crime, according to the Oakland Press, was that they entered the abortion facility “where they offered roses, prayed, sang and urged patients in the waiting room not to terminate their pregnancies. They were led out by police, arrested and charged after refusing to leave the clinic when asked to.”

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