May 4, 2016

Illinois Legislative Update - Insurance Contraception Coverage (HB5576)

Insurance Contraception Coverage - UPDATE AND ALERT


PASSED THE HOUSE 61-52 is now in the IL SENATE, it has been assigned to the Executive Committee  HB5576 is now scheduled for the Senate Executive Committee hearing on May 11th at 2:00 p.m.

This bill provides that an individual or group health policy shall provide coverage for all contraceptive drugs, devices, and other products approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, including over-the-counter contraceptive drugs, devices, and products; voluntary sterilization procedures; contraceptive services, patient education, and counseling on contraception; and follow-up services related to their use.

This bill requires insurance coverage of over-the-counter drugs such as Plan B and Ella.  These drugs prevent a fertilized egg  from implanting to the uterine wall and therefore cause a chemical abortion.

You can call the members of the Executive Committee (below) and urge them to vote 'NO' on HB5576.

Members of the Executive Committee are...

Chairperson: Don Harmon (D) (217) 782-8176
Vice-Chairperson: Ira I. Silverstein (D) (217) 782-5500
Member: James F. Clayborne, Jr. (D) (217) 782-5399
Member: John J. Cullerton (D) (217) 782-2728
Member: Mattie Hunter (D) (217) 782-5966
Member: Kimberly A. Lightford (D) (217) 782-8505
Member: Terry Link (D) (217) 782-8181
Member: Antonio Muñoz (D) (217) 782-9415
Member: Kwame Raoul (D) (217) 782-5338
Member: Heather A. Steans (D) (217) 782-8492
Member: Donne E. Trotter (D) (217) 782-3201
Minority Spokesperson: Matt Murphy (R) (217) 782-4471
Member: William E. Brady (R) (217) 782-6216
Member: David S. Luechtefeld (R) (217) 782-8137
Member: Christine Radogno (R) (217) 782-9407
Member: Sue Rezin (R) (217) 782-3840
Member: Dave Syverson (R) (217) 782-5413

Click here for more information on this bill.