November 20, 2013

Loss on Albuquerque Late-term Abortion Ban No Defeat -- We'll Be Back

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The Albuquerque Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance lost tonight by 10.5% of the vote. The final tally was 44.74-55.26%.

"Pro-life supporters may have suffered a political loss, but we are far from defeated. We'll be back," said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor, who assisted the ABQ Voters Against Late Term Abortion Ban campaign and was in Albuquerque for the vote. "It is clear that the people are uncomfortable with late-term abortions and would like to see them end. We learned a lot from this campaign, and we look forward to another try that will better reflect the true feeling of the voters on this subject."

Voter confusion was widespread over the ballot measure, which was lengthy and technical.

"We understand that some supporters of the ordinance actually voted against it because they thought they were voting against abortion. That is an issue that can be easily corrected next time around," said Sullenger. "Now the local activists in Albuquerque have been seasoned and things just might turn out differently if we can get another bite of this apple."

The opposition to the ordinance, which would have been the first-ever municipal ballot measure to ban abortions after 20 weeks when babies are known to feel pain, outspent the pro-life campaigns by a margin of 4 to 1. In addition, Organizing for Action, which was heavily involved in Albuquerque, is essentially President Obama's presidential campaign, which continues to advance a radical leftist agenda. Their experience helped turn out "against" votes in early voting that made the difference in the outcome of the race.

But the daring pro-life campaign to protect unborn babies after twenty weeks from death from barbaric and dangerous abortion practices succeeded in focusing the attention of the world on the matter of late-term abortions and created a template for activists in other communities to use to affect change in abortion laws in their communities, shifting their focus away from politicians in Washington, D.C. who are reticent to engage in legislation on abortion.

"I am so very proud of the work done by Albuquerque activists, especially Bud and Tara Shaver, who poured three years of their lives into exposing abuses at the largest late-term abortion abortion clinic in the nation," said Sullenger, who worked with the Shavers for a year at Operation Rescue Headquarters in Wichita, Kansas. "They are the best and it was my honor to work with them on this campaign. We can only expect more exciting things in the future from them as their work to end abortion in New Mexico continues."

Contact: Tara Shaver, Chairperson, ABQ Voters For Late-Term Abortion Ban, Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor, Operation Rescue