November 1, 2013

Dillard questioned about vote on pro-abortion Human Rights Commissioner

GOP gubernatorial candidate State Senator Kirk Dillard says there was confusion about the qualifications for Human Rights Commission appointees, and that while he voted in committee to approve an pro-abortion activist for the spot, he opposed the nomination on the Senate floor.
"Senator Dillard voted 'no' on the floor to Terry Cosgrove ... the actual or 'real' recorded vote," Dillard campaign spokesman Wes Bleed told Illinois Review. "There was some confusion over qualifications in committee. Sen. Dillard definitely opposes Mr. Cosgrove's appointment to the Human Rights Committee."
During the October 15th Executive Appointments hearing, Senator Dillard was the only Republican that joined the Democrats in approving abortion activist Terry Cosgrove for re-assignment to the Human Rights Commission. Cosgrove, who actively raises campaign funds for abortion supporters through Personal PAC, will be paid $46,960 annually for serving on the commission from March 2013 until November 2017.
Two other Republican senators - Tim Bivins and Matthew Murphy voted "no" in committee, and State Senator Sam McCann was not in the room during the vote. All eight Democrats voted "yes."
When AM157 came before the Senate floor last week, the vote was divided along party lines - 36 to 20:
Source: Illinois Review