December 4, 2009

Pro-Life Policy on the Chopping Block

Pro-Life Policy on the Chopping Block

A Senate committee recently passed an amendment to the State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill, sponsored by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., which would prevent any future president from reinstating the Mexico City Policy.  The policy prohibits U.S. tax dollars from going to groups that perform or promote abortions overseas.  And now the Senate is considering an omnibus bill to roll all of its fiscal year 2010 spending bills into one large bill, including the Lautenberg Amendment.

Joy Yearout, communications director for the Susan B. Anthony List, said it's just an extension of President Obama's extreme pro-abortion agenda – an agenda that doesn't sit well with most Americans.

"That definitely is in contrast with the public, which does not want to see their money used to fund abortions anywhere," she said.

But public opinion has not deterred President Obama, according to Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.

"This administration has been shameless in its abortion promotion," he said.

It's possible the Lautenberg amendment may be included in an omnibus bill – several bills rolled into one large bill – or voted on separately.  In either case, there are efforts to exclude the Lautenberg amendment from the omnibus bill.

Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: December 3, 2009
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