September 26, 2013

No ObamaCare funding bill heads to Senate, please take action

Last week, the House of Representatives passed a funding bill that specifically defunds ObamaCare.
This week, the same bill now heads to the Senate, where opposition to the overwhelming will of the people is strong.
Very simply, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution strips all funding from ObamaCare in its entirety for the coming fiscal year. This bill will fund the rest of government with the sole exception of ObamaCare.
It is critical for you to make your voice heard today!
Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your senators by name. Strongly urge them to:
1. Vote in favor of H.R. 59, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution
2. Oppose ALL attempts to add funding for ObamaCare
Here are a few talking points that will reinforce your call:
Is so bad that congressional staff have exempted themselves from it
Violates freedom of religion and conscience by requiring Christian businesses to pay for abortifacients
Will send your tax dollars to health care providers who perform abortions
Is the leading job-killer in America, as companies lay off workers because of its mandates and its costs
Forces companies to shift workers from full-time to part-time positions
Drives up the cost of health care premiums
Reduces the availability and affordability of health care
Source: American Family Association