Bill Donohue comments on pro-abortion supporters in Texas:
While pro-life protesters were singing "Amazing Grace" Tuesday in Austin, pro-abortion fans were screaming "Hail Satan!" (A video of this scene is available on TheBlaze.)
It would be unfair to say that all pro-abortion supporters would support this obscenity, and indeed most would not. Among hard-core activists, though, there are no doubt more than just a few who feel comfortable with invoking Satan's name in behalf of their cause. Here's why I say this.
There are writers and activists who support more than abortion rights--they hail it as a positive good. For example, the book by women's studies professor Patricia Lunneborg, Abortion: A Positive Decision, boasts how abortion liberates women. The volume, Abortion is a Blessing, by militant atheist Anne Nicol Gaylor, sees abortion as a sacred right. So does French author Ginette Paris: her book, The Sacrament of Abortion, tells us exactly where she is coming from.
Catholics reach out to young pregnant women who have made the wrong decision, and indeed the Catholic Church has a program, "Project Rachel," that serves them in many ways. Moreover, when someone in the pro-life community acts in an offensive way, he is quickly condemned. By contrast, there are pro-abortion fanatics who draw their inspiration from Satanic forces. Worse, many of those in the pro-abortion community are quite content to stay silent about such offenses.
Perhaps the time has come for a mass exorcism.
Contact: The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights