March 22, 2013

Competency of Planned Parenthood's training program questioned after rash of botched abortions

The Planned Parenthood abortion clinic that has experienced four botched abortion emergencies in less than five weeks and where a pro-life grandmother was attacked earlier this week, is recruiting medical students for abortion training.

"It is appalling to think that abortionists at this Planned Parenthood with the recent rash of medical emergencies would be teaching others to do abortions that they don't seem competent to do themselves," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation.

The Planned Parenthood training program is seeking first through fourth year medical students and residents, who must absorb the cost of program participation themselves. The advertisement for their program, which appears on the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals web site, indicates that the troubled Wilmington abortion clinic trains 15 new abortionists per year.

"Given the recent safety concerns at this Planned Parenthood facility, it is shocking to think of the shoddy training that must be going on there. We don't need more abortionists out there maiming women with substandard practices," said Newman.

Applicants are urged to contact Dr. Eric Schaff, a Planned Parenthood abortionist who has a history of disciplinary action. In August, 2005, Schaff was issued a reprimand and ordered to pay $5,000 for falsifying medical records in New York. Since his discipline there, Schaff has moved on to ply is grisly trade in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Schaff is an outspoken advocate of abortions and feels "empowered" by doing them.

Botched abortions so far this year at the Wilmington Planned Parenthood where Schaff works include:

    February 8: Records of the 911 call reveals that a patient suffered respiratory distress and had to be bagged to keep her from dying. She required emergency transport to a hospital emergency room. (View Video)

    February 16: 911 records indicate that a patient suffered heavy, uncontrolled bleeding requiring emergency transport to a hospital emergency room. (View Video)

    March 8: A patient suffered an incomplete abortion that required hospitalization and emergency surgery five days later. Fetal parts were detected that included a recognizable leg and foot.

    March 13: A patient, covered in blankets and sheets from head to toe, was transported by ambulance to a local hospital while a pro-life sidewalk counselor was attacked for attempting to document the incident. It is unknown if the patient survived.

"This clinic needs to be closed in the interest of public safety, and we are in the process of filing complaints to make sure that happen," said Newman.