The Illinois Federation for Right to Life (IFRL) is a statewide grassroots organization. As an organization the IFRL encourages members to become active in the cause for life. To become a member one must donate a minimum of $3.00 annually. A member is entitled to vote for the individual who will represent him or her as their Congressional District (CD) Director on the IFRL Board.
The elections for CD Directors are held every two years. Applications of individuals interested in running for the position of CD Director for their congressional district are now being accepted. All candidates for CD Directors must be paid members of the IFRL and the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) by August 1, 2011. Any donation to NRLC in the last year will qualify a candidate as a member of NRLC.
A CD Director is obligated to attend the quarterly board meetings of the IFRL. The board meetings are held at different locations throughout the state. The Directors are expected to support IFRL activities with an emphasis on lobbying, elections, education and fundraising activities.
Anyone interested in becoming a candidate for CD Director must submit his/her name to the IFRL office at 2600 State St. Suite E., Alton, IL. Letters must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2011. Applications may be faxed to (618) 466-4134 no later than August 1, 2011. Please include a statement indicating membership with the IFRL and NRLC.
For Life,
Pat Conklin, IFRL President